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深水埗三死巴士意外 城巴證實涉事車長連日工作13小時

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米俐 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

HONG KONG — A committee dominated by supporters of the Chinese government chose Carrie Lam as Hong Kong’s next leader on Sunday, opting for Beijing’s preferred candidate in a move likely to dismay residents who see the city’s freedoms as being under threat from China.

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東江水新合約 講錢更要講公平

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米俐 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

林鄭不能取六百提名,建制派醞釀大倒戈。 星島日報證實,民意最終決勝負 胡官圖窮匕現,薯片被鎅仍然一片大好,獲得最後勝利!〈升旗易得道〉2017-02-28 b

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Move brings to an end two-month saga that has plunged the Lion City’s ties with Beijing to a low point, but shipping company responsible faces legal action

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