
職位編號: 34706
部門: 康樂及文化事務署
組別/單位: 文化事務部職系管理及支援組
職位名稱: 二級文化工作助理員
薪酬: 總薪級表第1點(月薪港幣10,560元)至總薪級表第8點(月薪港幣16,425元)
入職條件: 申請人須 :
註: (i)申請人須於申請表上清楚填寫其學歷和中英文語文能力程度。申請人如未能提供所需的所有資料,或所填寫的資料未能清楚顯示申請人符合上述入職條件,其申請書將不獲考慮。
(iii)為提高大眾對《基本法》的認知和在社區推廣學習《基本法》的風氣,所有公務員職位的招聘,均會包括《基本法》知識的評核。獲邀參加遴選 面試的應徵者,其對《基本法》的認識會在面試中以口頭提問形式被評核。除非兩位應徵者的整體表現相若,招聘當局才會參考應徵者在《基本法》知識測試中的表 現。
職責: 二級文化工作助理員主要職責為在憲報公布的文娛中心、公共圖書館和博物館,為以下一項或多項職能範圍提供協助/支援服務:


聘用條款: 獲取錄的申請人通常會按公務員條款受聘,試用期為三年。通過試用關限後,或可獲考慮按當時適用的長期聘用條款聘用。
附註: (a)除另有指明外,申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。
(i)持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請 人須郵寄修業成績副本及證書副本到查詢地址。網上申請人請於信封面上註明「申請二級文化工作助理員職位」及於文件副本每一頁註明網上申請編號。
申請手續: 申請表格 [GF340 (3/2013修訂版)] 可向民政事務總署各區民政事務處諮詢服務中心或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取。該表格也可從公務員事務局互聯網站 (下載。已填妥的申請書須於截止申請日期或之前送交下列查詢地址,請在信封面上註明「申請二級文化工作助理 員職位」。申請人亦可透過公務員事務局互聯網站(作網上申請。申請人須在申請表上清楚填寫全部就業情況、學 歷詳情,以及中英文語文能力程度。資料不全、逾期、未妥為簽署,經傳真/電郵遞交,或並非用指定表格遞交的申請書,將不獲考慮。

查詢地址: 新界沙田排頭街1至3號康樂及文化事務署總部5樓文化事務部職系管理及支援組。
查詢電話: 2601 7316
截止申請日期(日/月/年) : 18/07/2014 23:59:00
刊登職位報章及日期: 明報 (4/7/2014)
Recruit (4/7/2014 & 8/7/2014)
經互聯網遞交申請: 可以
發布日期 04/07/2014

Job Number: 34706
Department: Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Division/Section/Unit: Grade Management and Support Section, Cultural Services Branch
Job Title: Cultural Services Assistant II
Salary: Master Pay Scale Point 1 (HK$10,560 per month) to Master Pay Scale Point 8 (HK$16,425 per month)
Entry Requirements: Candidates should have -
(a)completed Secondary 4, or equivalent; and
(b)attained a level of proficiency in Chinese and English Languages equivalent to Secondary 4 standard.
Note: (i)Candidates should state clearly in their applications their academic qualifications and Chinese and English languages proficiency level attained. Applications which did not provide all information as requested or which are not clear that the candidates have met the entry requirements will not be considered.
(ii)Candidates who are invited for selection interview will be required to produce the original copies of the official transcripts and certificates for verification and photocopies for record purposes. The application will be deemed unsuccessful if any applicant fails to produce the original copies of the required documents for verification.
(iii)For the purpose of heightening public awareness of the Basic Law (BL) and promoting a culture of learning of BL in the community, assessment of BL knowledge will be included in the recruitment for all civil service jobs. Candidates who are invited to attend the recruitment interview will be tested orally on their BL knowledge during recruitment interview. The results of BL assessment will be taken into account only if two candidates are considered equal in all other aspects.
Duties: A Cultural Services Assistant II is mainly deployed on providing assistance / support services in gazetted civic centres, public libraries and museums which may involve one or a combination of the following functional areas –

(a)front-of-house duties;
(b)customer services;
(c)building management;
(d)supervision of service contract providers;
(e)processing of library materials;
(f)enforcement of venue regulations; and
(g)general management support.

(Note: Required to wear uniform and work irregular hours, may be required to perform shift duties, and are subject to posting and transfer at the discretion of the Head of Grade/Department.)
Terms of Appointment: A new appointee will normally be appointed on civil service probationary terms for three years. Upon passage of probation bar, he/she may be considered for appointment on the prevailing permanent terms.
General Notes: (a)Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless specified otherwise.
(b)As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, martial status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.
(c)Civil service vacancies are posts on the civil service establishment. Candidates selected for these vacancies will be appointed on civil service terms of appointment and conditions of service and will become civil servants on appointment.
(d)The entry pay, terms of appointments and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.
(e)The information on the maximum pay point is for reference only and it may be subject to changes.
(f)Fringe benefits include paid leave, medical and dental benefits, and where appropriate, assistance in housing.
(g)Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.
(h)It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to further shortlisting.
(i)Holders of academic qualifications other than those obtained from Hong Kong institutions / Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority may also apply but their qualifications will be subject to assessments on equivalence with the required entry qualifications. They should submit copies of their official transcripts and certificates by mail to the enquiry address. Candidates who apply online should mark “For application of Cultural Services Assistant II” on the envelope and quote the online application number on the copies of every page of supporting documents.
(j)Towards the application deadline, our on-line system would likely be overloaded due to large volume of applications. To ensure timely completion of your on-line application, it is advisable to submit the application as early as possible.
How to apply: Application Forms [G.F. 340 (Rev. 3/2013)] are obtainable from any Public Enquiry Service Centres of District Offices, Home Affairs Department or any Job Centres of the Employment Services Division, Labour Department. The said form can also be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau’s website (

Applications should reach the enquiry address on or before the closing date with the envelope clearly marked with “For Application of Cultural Services Assistant II”. Online application can also be made through the Civil Service Bureau’s website ( Candidates should state clearly in their applications full record of employment, academic qualification and Chinese and English languages proficiency level. Applications which are incomplete, late, not duly signed, submitted by fax/ email, or not made in the prescribed form will not be considered.

Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation in about 18 to 20 weeks from the closing date for application. This period may be longer in exceptional circumstances, e.g. when a large number of applications are received or when there are other complications. Those who are not invited for interview may assume that their applications are unsuccessful.
Enquiry Address: Grade Management and Support Section, Cultural Services Branch, 5/F Leisure and Cultural Services Headquarters, 1-3 Pai Tau Street, Shatin, N.T.
Enquiry Telephone: 2601 7316
Closing Date(dd/mm/yyyy): 18/07/2014 23:59:00
Newspaper(s) Advertised and Date(s): Ming Pao (4/7/2014)
Recruit (4/7/2014 & 8/7/2014)
Web Site of Department:
Application via Internet: Available
Advertising Date 04/07/2014

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