
Most organizations spend a great deal of time and money on training and development. They expect that these investments will return sizable dividends. Unfortunately, the success rate of training and development practices in many organizations has been quite dismal. Review the training development practice of an organization that you are familiar with and discuss how to focus training and development program for business results.

²     訓練與發展的定義

²     訓練如何令組織達到目標?為何培訓在該公司那麼重要?

²     簡單地介紹某間公司/機構

²     就某間公司/機構的情況作分析(做了什麼?未做什麼?)

²     要做什麼作改善?

(A) 訓練與發展的定義:

訓練與發展(training & development)一項有系統地提供給新、舊員工學習的過程,主要在改進員工個人的知識(knowledge)、技術(skill)、能力(abilities)或態度attitude。訓練與發展同是人力資源發展的一環。[1] (李嵩賢著,2001

Luis R. Gomez-Mejia et al.: 訓練是提供員工特定的技能,或幫助員工糾正工作缺失的過程;而發展則是提供員工關於組織將來需要的能力。兩者的分別如下兩表:[2](李嵩賢著,2001
















[3] (李嵩賢著,2001

















[4] (國立屏東商科技術學院,2010



近年來科技快速發展,促使經濟產業、社會結構與民眾消費生態產生急遽變化,加以大自然環境之變遷,致各種人為與天然災害發生頻繁,而救災的型態也由傳統的平面救災,提升到立體救災的層次,使消防工作更具多元化與挑戰性。因此,消防人力快速補足、充實消防專業知能及培育團隊合作,已成為目前消防教育重要課題[5] 世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2011

² 愈來愈先進而專業設備使用:「消防救災設備」(如紅外線生命探測器、聲納探測器、消防衣褲帽、消防水帶等);「消防急器材」(如急救安妮模型、自動心肺復甦機、呼吸道插管、人體解剖掛圖等);「煙霧體驗室」(如發煙機、緩衝室、排煙設備、警急採購氣相層析質譜儀等,藉高度精密之化學儀器,運用於火場證物分析,均需要員工對有關儀器有充分的認識和使用純熟,方能成功把災民救出、救活。基於這個原因,就突顯培訓員工的必要性。[6]

²    辦理推廣教育加強社會服務:以往「消防」幾乎是「救火」的同義詞,但近年來「緊急救護」已躍居消防工作的最重要勤務。消防署定期舉辦救助隊、救助師資班訓練及滅火訓練,用來強化高樓消防救災能力、火場搶救專業訓練能力,加強緊急災害應變效率、提升緊急傷病患救護品質及熟練水上救生救援技巧。此外,消防署積極督導維護消防水源。[7] 世界主要國家和地區消防簡介2009為了使救援全面化和效能的提高,為現任消防員進行培訓是刻不容緩的事情。

²    政及後勤支援的操作:總部總區為各個行動總區提供決策、策劃、管理及後勤支援;管理消防通訊中心及消防訓學校的運作;並負責招募和考試、工程和運輸、職業安全健康、物流、體能訓練、新聞及宣傳、員工福利以及統計事宜。行政科的工作由文職人員負責。該科負責處理部門編制、人事、財政、聘用、總務、員工關係、審計及翻譯事宜[8](香港便覽,2012這些職務種類繁多,雖不像親身赴災場那般危急和專門,但仍然需要培訓,始能順利處理內部職責及面對公眾的查詢,尤其顧客投訴及公共關係課的應對技巧更需要專門的訓練。



u   員工層:

# 消防人員及文職人員:掌握這項技能的前提是為了提供優質的消防服務,消防處針對上述三大工作範疇進行訓練:行動、防火、及後勤支援及行政,均是缺一不可。


# 文職人員的訓練:掌握這項技能的前提是為了使行政管理如消防通訊中心及消防訓練學校的運作及怎樣處理顧客投訴。例如提供參觀辦公室環境及運作、辦公室人事結構、文化及不同部門的功能、檔案及郵件處理、辦公室書寫英語、英語及普通話會話、英話電話應對技巧、文儀用具簡介、文件外送、守則及禮儀、認識基本商業書信、電腦文書處理及試算表運用、勞工法例及職業安全簡介、顧客服務。


u   策略層:

廿一世紀實在需要「變革管理」。「變革管理」是指組織/企業採用新的思維或行為模式,從目前階段成功地轉型至新階段之整體過程,當中包含創新思維方式,對內部管理層、員工、階級、制度、工作流程以及企業文化,進行必要的調整與改善管理。[9] (EDU. Plus, 消防工程保障社會安全)


[11] (戴國良博士,2004

[12]( 戴國良 博士,2004

(C) Brief introduction to The Fire Services Department

Contact Information of Directorate Officers[13]

The Fire Services Department of HKSAR2012

The Department has an establishment of about 9,100 uniformed personnel and about 600 civilian members. It is divided into three operational Fire Commands, a Fire Safety Command, a Licensing and Certification Command, an Ambulance Command, a Fire Services Headquarters Command and an Administration Division. Commanding more than 9,500-strong Service is the Director of Fire Services who is assisted by a Deputy Director.[14] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR2012

Each of the three operational Fire Commands - Hong Kong (H), Kowloon (K) and the New Territories (NT) - is headed by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank. H Command and K Command are each organized into four geographical divisions, each containing four to seven fire stations. NT Command is organized into five geographical divisions.[15] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012)

The Fire Safety Command (FS), commanded by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, comprises five functional divisions - Building Improvement 1, Building Improvement 2, Railway Development Strategy, New Projects and Support.[16] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012)

The Licensing & Certification Command (LC), led by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, comprising seven functional divisions - Policy, Dangerous Goods, two Fire Protection Regional Offices, Fire Service Installations Task Force, Fire Service Installations and Ventilation.[17] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012)

The Ambulance Command (Amb), supervised by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, has two operational regions (Hong Kong & Kowloon Region and the New Territories Region) and the Command Headquarters. Each operational region is split into two geographical divisions.[18] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012)

The Fire Services Headquarters Command (HQ), headed by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, comprises a number of central units, including the Fire Services Training School .[19] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012)

The Administration Division, staffed by civilians, is headed by the Departmental Secretary who is a Principal Executive Officer.[20] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012)

(D) Training provided by the Dept.:

Fire-fighting and Rescue Training

The West Kowloon Rescue Training Centre provides continuous training programme to strengthen the skills of fire personnel in tackling different types of fire and disaster.[21] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

The Centre is equipped with a wide variety of advanced training facilities including search and rescue at simulated tunnel and maze and live fire training in various situations. A total of 3 814 members attended the training in 2009.[22] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

To maintain a sufficient pool of Special Rescue Squad (SRS) members in the Department, training courses were conducted with 32 members attending in 2009.[23] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

On-going refresher training was also provided at station level for squad members. In addition, 68 SRS members received advanced search and rescue training to become members of the Urban Search and Rescue Team.[24] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

Basic Special Rescue Squad Training

To continuously enhance our efficiency in rescue operations, the Department is providing all frontline staff with basic SRS training which includes mountain rescue, road rescue, rapid water rescue and high angle rescue.[25] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

Incident Command Training

The Incident Command System Training Centre was established to enhance officers in the handling of fire and emergency incidents with the aid of computerized simulation software. The first training module on “Fire-fighting in high-rise Buildingwas successfully rolled out for frontline members of the three Operational Commands.[26] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

More training programmes on different scenarios such as Tunnel Fire,Road Traffic AccidentandAircraft Crash Incidentare in the pipeline.[27] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

Physical Training

The Physical Training Establishment (PTE) provides physical training and promotes sports activities for Service members to help them in maintaining good physical condition.[28] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

PTE staff members often assist in organizing departmental sports events such as the athletic meet, swimming gala and cross country run. They are often invited by local and international sports associations to act as officials for sports events.[29] Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009

(E) 消防署未做什麼訓練措施?

²    每名行動總區替補人員沒有定期接受持續消防專業訓練,例如攀山及高空拯救、坍塌搜救、室內煙火特性操練、拯溺訓練、先遣急救員訓練、公路救援及急流拯救等。就算行動總區人員獲安排參與相關專業訓練,車上的人數亦因而大減,大大削弱前線人員的滅火救援能力,甚至增加傷亡意外風險。

²    並沒有為前線人員提供心理輔導培訓。前線人員經常接觸各式各樣的傷者及其家屬,難免需要一些輔導技巧以作安撫或使員工自己有能力克服工作環境上的阻礙:流血者會出血更多;手舞足蹈者阻礙人員進行包紮等、到場時發現自殺者已身亡,甚至死狀恐怖。甚至一次下體嚴重出血,非常靦腆的,不敢告訴救護員事情的來龍去脈。後來經第三者的覆述,原因她月經量多而不適但不能啟齒;另一個案是一名女傷者因急救理由,衣服已被剪得稀巴爛,救護員跟隨到醫院後,很害羞的不願入急症室,怕看見幾近赤裸的傷者身體,醫生叫他回來急症室,仍要協助跟進這宗案件。這樣的表現肯定欠缺工作上的心理培訓。

²    缺乏專業操守培訓:【東方日報 20110424()】一輛消防車的車頭拍攝,正面是另一輛響起警號的消防車,正準備趕赴現場,故懷疑是當值時拍攝,片段同時附上消防裝備、新聞照片及一些訓練時拍攝相片,片尾則是一張消防人員大合照。[30] (東方日報,2011

消防處發言人表示,經過初步了解,該片段並非訓練短片,已交由相關總區調查。據悉,消防人員當值期間,除非獲主管批准,否則禁止拍攝,以免阻礙救援工作。[31] (東方日報,2011


消防處發言人表示,會一併了解事件。有消防人員指,若出車趕赴現場拍照,當然不適當,但要視當時是否當值,如果是在休班時拍攝,便沒有問題。[33] (東方日報,2011


²    缺乏專業器具操作的訓練:【明報2010-05-01 專訊】香港消防處救護員會主席屈奇安指出,有藥物、食物等過敏的病人,其咽喉組織會因過敏反應而腫脹,嚴重者可壓住氣道致窒息,故需要接受「高級氣道處理」或「插喉處理」Endotracheal Intubation。「插喉」即將一組人工氣喉插入氣道並輸入氧氣,以保持呼吸暢順,「但這兩種技術並非所有救護員都懂得,要接受有關訓練」。[35] 新浪香港新聞,2010

²    欠缺針對世界各地恐怖攻擊所進行CBRNChemicalBiologicalRadiological and Nuclear化學性、生物性、放射性與核能性,簡稱核生化災害)的危應變處理及知識的訓練。香港面對恐怖襲擊,雖然沒有歐美國家那般高風險,可是香港是國際城市,仍有機會舉行跨國的大型活動,如世界經貿第六屆部長級會議,便在香港舉行。所以香港實在需要擁有一支有能力抵禦恐怖攻擊的救援隊伍,以確保平安。

(F) 建議消防署要的訓練措施:


ü     提高員工的技能、知識和態度:使之更有效地完成工作,以達到公司所釐訂的目標。為了市民的福祉,宜縮短現行的把做滿10年後而又考獲升級試,改為5年便可被推薦接受二級訓練,完成二級訓練表現良好者,更可接受高級氣道處理訓練及插喉訓練」。

ü     人事改組、業務有長足的發展:員工無論在職位上、組別上,甚至跨部門的調動,從而指派他們處理新的職務,或者是行政管理未能趕上業務發展,和新員工的數目增長迅速,都急須進行員工培訓。

實施消防替代役訓練:過去近20年,消防處不斷倡議以有限資源提高效率,並提供多元化和專業化的消防服務。但是,有關措施卻導致三大工作範疇的人手日見緊張,但他們卻還須兼顧額外職務及責任,這種情況在各職級已普遍出現, 人手短缺問題極其嚴峻。建議學習台灣的消防署積極推動各級地方政府消防組織改制事宜:將消防役納入實施替代役之項目,以解決基層消防人力不足之問題。

ü 替代役消防役專業基礎訓練之課程以緊急救護訓練為主、基礎搶救災害為輔,截至98年底計訓練77個梯次,學員計13,010人,絕大部分取得初級救護技術員(EMT-1)證書,對各縣市消防機關人力之補充,助益良多,不僅強化消防人員到院前緊急救護技能,且協助第二線救災之搶救工作,消防替代役適時的加入救災陣容,無疑的為消防團隊注入新的生力軍。[36] 林育新,2006

ü 培育企業(或任何組織)的員工產生良好的道德文化,使他們有正確的價值觀,熱愛社會和工作崗位,也令他們與企業有一個「命運共同體的關係」,加強他們對企業的歸屬感,從而提高他們的工作效率和加強他們的士氣。消防倫理,乃是消防人員從事消防工作上,應具備的思想行為準則。換言之,身為消防人員,在從事消防工作中應有之人生觀、人際關係,消防工作之心態乃至從事工作,所應遵循的準繩,「有所為」與「有所不為」之道德標準及關為規範。[37]



# 有愛心-見義勇為、愛人如己、尊重生命、關懷別人

# 要虛心-謹言慎行、親切和藹、謙虛待人、展現溫情

# 有信心-肯定自我、救難助人、捨我其誰、樂觀進取

# 有耐心-堅忍不拔、遇挫不餒、再接再厲、奮力向前

# 有恒心-一日消防、終身消防、堅守崗位、永不懈怠

# 責任心-實事求是、腳踏實地、自我惕厲、克盡職責

# 進取心-研究發展、突破傳統、學習成長、精益求精。[38]小雜工,2008


# 訓練落實-不敷衍了事、發揮專長、肯做真做

# 為人平實-不濫用職權、堅守原則、自我約束

# 職務忠實-不假公濟私、奉公守法、忠於職守

# 做事踏實-不好高騖遠、步步為營、力行實踐

# 處世誠實-不勾心鬥角、精誠團結、合作無間

# 待人真實-不爭功諉過、淡泊名利、勇於擔當

# 學習精實-不墨守成規、求新求變、日新又新。[39]小雜工,2008

ü     發展員工的職業前程:基本上,員工依自己的能力決定前程發展,投資自己的未來。台灣中華人力資源管理協會認證委員會主任委員張瑞明說,主管適時扮演「貴人」的角色,協助員工規劃前程,將可留住優秀人才,使員工個人前程目標與組織經營目標合而為一。張瑞明強調,能力足夠、潛力足夠的人最適合做前程管理[40],為造就他們日後擔任更高級的職務作好準備,如訓練他們的消防工作及管理水平,也提升他們的使命感,甚至為市民犧牲的高尚情開啟企業員工的盲目閉塞:安排感覺性訓練課程(sensitivity training course)。敏感性訓練就是通過團隊活動、觀察、討論、自我坦白等程式,使學員面對自己的心理障礙,並重新建構健全的心理狀態。[41]敏感性訓練主要用於為學員提供自我表白與解析的機會和瞭解團隊形成與運作的情況等。 在訓練時,導師把各部門分成若干組,要求每組提出一項案例(case)讓對方提出解決方法,討論過程全部錄音,事後重播聆聽,以分析爭論時的情況。每一方均須理解對方的動機,以及溝通的情緒毛病,並可了解其他人錯誤理解自己行為的原因。

(G) 總結:



培訓要做,非做。這就要求培訓師要把這個培訓過程做完整,不能僅僅停留在理念轉變和理論知識的認識與學習階段,更要結合企業實際進行應用示範、指導培訓學員應用練習,並在培訓後一段時間內對員工進行跟進輔導與檢驗,促使員工真正掌 握理論應用與實踐的方法,技能的應用達到熟練的程度,從而提升工作績效,使培訓真正轉化為企業生產力。[43]南通市電視廣播大學培訓中心,2009-2010

[1] 李嵩賢,第一章 導論,《人力資源的訓練與發展》,2001p 13

[2] 李嵩賢,第一章 導論,《人力資源的訓練與發展》,2001p 16

[3] 李嵩賢,第一章 導論,《人力資源的訓練與發展》,2001p 16

[4] 國立屏東商科技術學院 (2010), “員工訓練”, 6 July 2012

[5] 世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2011,第九節 中國臺灣消防簡介, 19 July 2012

[6] 世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2011,第九節 中國臺灣消防簡介, 19 July 2012

[7] 世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2011,第九節 中國臺灣消防簡介, 19 July 2012

[8] 香港便覽,2012消防事務 accessed 19 July 2012

[9] 香港人民公社,消防工程保障社會安全 考取消防專業資歷,2011 20 July 2012

[10] EDU.Plus, 消防工程保障社會安全 考取消防專業資歷,2009,8&quick_keyword=&quick_school=, accessed 20 July 2012

[11] 戴國良博士編著,第一章 員工教育訓練,《員工的訓練上課方式》,2004p 177

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[15] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012), “organization”, accessed 8 July 2012


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[17] The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012), “organization”, accessed 8 July 2012


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Most organizations spend a great deal of time and money on training and development. They expect that these investments will return sizable dividends. Unfortunately, the success rate of training and development practices in many organizations has been quite dismal. Review the training development practice of an organization that you are familiar with and discuss how to focus training and development program for business results.
 Introduction
 Why do training & development play important roles in an organization and to what extent they make an organization achieve the goals?
 Brief introduction to The Fire Services Department
 Which practices are not carried out by the Fire Department?
 Suggestions for the Fire Department
(A) Introduction:
Training & development provided for employees are series of learning processes. Training & development aim at improving employees’ knowledge, skill, abilities and attitude. Therefore, they are important in HR aspect.   (李嵩賢著,2001)
Training is to provide employees for skills or help them to improve their shortcomings whereas development is to provide employees for future abilities in needs. The differences between training & development are as follows  :
Differences  Training  Development
weight-bearing point Tasks in charge now Tasks in charge now & future
Objects  Individual staff Teams or organizations
Periods  At once  Long-termed
Targets  Offset to their shortcomings Preparing for future needs
Staff training Staff
development School education
Tasks now Designated tasks Future tasks
Concrete tasks abstract ideas

Short-termed Long-termed
Mainly Memories  Mainly thinking
Skills learning Learning preparation
Threaded raised Surfaced raised
(B) Why do training & development play important roles in an organization and to what extent they make an organization achieve the goals?
The importance of training:
On account of rapid development, productivities, social structure and consumption have been changing nowadays and disasters get more and more frequent due to the changing of the nature. So the traditional rescuing methods should be improved and Fire Services become more diversified and challenging. Thus, not only does the Fire Department lay an emphasis on recruitment, but also raise their fellow firemen’s professional skills and train their team work spirit.  (世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2011)
 Advanced and professional equipment usage: for disaster relief: eg. infrared life detectors, sonar, uniform, fire hoses; for rescue: first-aid (Annie Model), Automated cardiopulmonary resuscitation machine, Respiratory intubation and human Anatomical Charts, etc. for smoke laboratories: Hair hoods, Buffer chambers, GC-MS (氣相層析質譜儀)Firemen are necessary to make good command of accurate chemical instruments in order to analyze the evidences picked up in the scene of a fire. To provide training can save the victims’ lives successfully and skillfully.   (世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2011)
 Propagandism & enhancing social service: fire fight or fire control includes emergent rescue. The Fire Department holds saving teams, qualified teaching classes regularly so as to meet the requirement of high-building rescue and rescue someone from the scenes of a fire. Besides, to raise the efficiency of emergent rescue, the quality of first-aid and the familiarity of rescuing on the surface. in the cause of spare no effort in maintaining the source of water for rescuing  (世界主要國家和地區消防簡介,2009)and providing all-round service, to brook no delay to train is necessary.
 Logistics and administration support: Head Quarter provides decision-making, planning, management & logistics backing up to all branches such as: communication centre and training operation, recruitment & examination, engineering & transportation, safety & health occupation, physical training, information and publicity, Fringe benefits as well as statistics. The clerical works mentioned above are carried by administration section. Furthermore, HR, finance, recruitment, internal affairs, staff relationship, audit and translation are also implemented by this section.  (香港便覽,2012)Despite there is no need for clerical staff to go to the dangerous scenes of fire, they need to provide customer’ service to the public such as handling the enquiries, complaints or other PR tasks.
To what extent they make an organization achieving the goals?
Generally speaking, HR can be divided into 3 parts: strategy level, ploy level & staff level. Strategy level is an overall managerial level which emphasizes on the needs and judgment of an organization, business and functional operations. Staff level is on behalf of the needs of the foundational staff. Well-trainned staff will handle integration and analysis freely:
Thus, for the sake of attaining the designated target, training ought to be set for organization’s needs:
 Firemen and clerical staff: having good command of skills in the cause of providing excellent fire service. The fire Department aims at: actions, fire-control, logistic support as well as administration and none of above can be lacked. 
Actions: fire extinction, to help victims to flee the scenes of fire, to educate the public danger awareness and fire prevention, to provide first-aid to the patients and the injury in order to save their lives; frogmen searching and equipment usage, etc. So advanced training courses can make them familiar to these tasks and first-aid know-how.
 Training for clerical staff: having good command of skills in the cause of administration practice eg. Communication centre & training centre operation, management of the personnel structure of office, various sections, mails & cases handling, learning English writing & oral skills, English telephone conversation, stationery keeping, document delivery, office etiquette and rules, computer software application like excel, labour law, safety occupation and customers’ service.
 Strategic level: “Change management ” is important and useful in the 21st Century. “Change management ” refers to the thinking model and the behavioral model such as . innovation style, managerial system, working procedures & culture adapted by an organization.   Though Gov’t organization like FD does not make profits and worry about survival, it must keep in pace with nowadays society. For example, Fire Engineering should be included theories, technique, varieties of strategies eg. Burning & thermodynamics, architectural skills, hydrodynamics, mathematics, fire-safety management, surroundings, fire protection system design, rules, crisis evaluation, solutions, having good command of skills in the cause of the know-how mentioned above can help the firemen develop their careers, especially helping them in assessments, planning, management and building maintenance effectively and professionally. 

(C) Brief introduction to The Fire Services Department
Contact Information of Directorate Officers
(The Fire Services Department of HKSAR,2012)
The Department has an establishment of about 9,100 uniformed personnel and about 600 civilian members. It is divided into three operational Fire Commands, a Fire Safety Command, a Licensing and Certification Command, an Ambulance Command, a Fire Services Headquarters Command and an Administration Division. Commanding more than 9,500-strong Service is the Director of Fire Services who is assisted by a Deputy Director.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR,2012)
Each of the three operational Fire Commands - Hong Kong (H), Kowloon (K) and the New Territories (NT) - is headed by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank. H Command and K Command are each organized into four geographical divisions, each containing four to seven fire stations. NT Command is organized into five geographical divisions.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012) )
The Fire Safety Command (FS), commanded by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, comprises five functional divisions - Building Improvement 1, Building Improvement 2, Railway Development Strategy, New Projects and Support.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012) )
The Licensing & Certification Command (LC), led by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, comprising seven functional divisions - Policy, Dangerous Goods, two Fire Protection Regional Offices, Fire Service Installations Task Force, Fire Service Installations and Ventilation.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012) )
The Ambulance Command (Amb), supervised by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, has two operational regions (Hong Kong & Kowloon Region and the New Territories Region) and the Command Headquarters. Each operational region is split into two geographical divisions.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012) )
The Fire Services Headquarters Command (HQ), headed by an Assistant Director of Chief Fire Officer rank, comprises a number of central units, including the Fire Services Training School.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012) )
The Administration Division, staffed by civilians, is headed by the Departmental Secretary who is a Principal Executive Officer.  (The Fire Services Department of HKSAR (2012) )
(D) Training provided by the Dept.:
Fire-fighting and Rescue Training
The West Kowloon Rescue Training Centre provides continuous training programme to strengthen the skills of fire personnel in tackling different types of fire and disaster.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
The Centre is equipped with a wide variety of advanced training facilities including search and rescue at simulated tunnel and maze and live fire training in various situations. A total of 3 814 members attended the training in 2009.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
To maintain a sufficient pool of Special Rescue Squad (SRS) members in the Department, training courses were conducted with 32 members attending in 2009.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
On-going refresher training was also provided at station level for squad members. In addition, 68 SRS members received advanced search and rescue training to become members of the Urban Search and Rescue Team.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
Basic Special Rescue Squad Training
To continuously enhance our efficiency in rescue operations, the Department is providing all frontline staff with basic SRS training which includes mountain rescue, road rescue, rapid water rescue and high angle rescue.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
Incident Command Training
The Incident Command System Training Centre was established to enhance officers in the handling of fire and emergency incidents with the aid of computerized simulation software. The first training module on “Fire-fighting in high-rise Building”was successfully rolled out for frontline members of the three Operational Commands.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
More training programmes on different scenarios such as “Tunnel Fire”,“Road Traffic Accident”and“Aircraft Crash Incident”are in the pipeline.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
Physical Training
The Physical Training Establishment (PTE) provides physical training and promotes sports activities for Service members to help them in maintaining good physical condition.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
PTE staff members often assist in organizing departmental sports events such as the athletic meet, swimming gala and cross country run. They are often invited by local and international sports associations to act as officials for sports events.  (Hong Kong Fire Services Department Review 2009)
(E) Which practices are not carried out by the Fire Department?
 There is no regular and continuous training provided for every stand-by firemen such as mountaineering, rescuing somebody in collapsing hillsides, rescuing somebody in smoky units, drown-saving, first-responder training & rescuing on the high ways, etc.
 There is no counseling training provided for frontline first-responders who always face all kinds of victims and their households. The related know-how helps them to cool down their emotions and work smoothly. If a victim who suffers severe haemorrhage and loses control of his feeling, first-responders will find difficulty in dressing a wound. In addition, firefighters dispatched the scene and saved a lady who is “bleeding”. She was too shy to tell why and which part(s) of her body bleeding. Then a woman accompanied with her said that she was on menstrual period. Another case was that a lady was cutting off her clothes because of being rescued. After being admitted to emergent unit, the first-responder saw the nearly naked body of the injury and was so bashful that stayed himself outside the emergent unit. Afterwards, doctor in charge told him to come in and assist him to handle this case. For these cases we know that first-responders need counseling so as to handle the situations with ease, even witnessing terrible corpses.
 Lacking in professional conduct training: 【24-4-2011,】
Firemen were found photo-taking together in the scene when they were on duties.   (東方日報,2011)From the photos, they were clearly seen wearing uniforms and equipped. The spokesman said that initially investigated, they were not being trained at this moment and will look into this matter. Besides, firemen were forbid to take photos during duties unless being approved by their supervisors for preventing them from interfering with rescue.   (東方日報,2011)
Whereas, a fireman who was dispatching was seen taking photos himself. He was criticized not to respect himself by some citizens.  (東方日報,2011)
The spokesman said it is not appropriate to take photos while dispatching. Someone may do so provided that he is not on duty.   (東方日報,2011)
It is indicated that not the first time for firemen taking photos while on duties. Coach accident occurred in 2008. After rescuing the victims, the team of firemen was found taking photos together. The related staff members were admonished against in this matter.  (東方日報,2011)
 Lacking in professional tools operation: 【01-5-2010, Ming Pao Daily News】
Mr. WAT Ki-on , the Chairman of Hong Kong Fire Service Department Ambulance men’s Union said that patients suffer from drug allergy & food allergy will cause to throat swell. They may even suffoca
te and need rapid sequence intubations (RSI) or Endotracheal Intubations.   (新浪香港新聞,2010) “Intubations” refers to oxygen input to patients for the purpose of smooth breath. “Rarely do the first-responders are familiar to these two techniques unless being trained.”   (新浪香港新聞,2010)
 Lacking in anti-terrorist attack training: All violent attacks such as CBRN(chemical、biological、radiological and nuclear)crisis’s need more professional training. It is unlike to happen in Hong Kong, in comparison with European & North American countries. Nevertheless, good deals of international activities are held in Hong Kong probably, for instance, The Sixth WTO (HK) Ministerial Conference was held at Wan Chai in 2005. Thus, it is necessary to train up a more defensive team to go against the terrible organization.
(F) Suggestions for the Fire Department:
To help the staff to meet the requirement in the cause of achieving the targets set by the Department by giving the following trainings:
 To raise know-how and attitude: Thus they will complete their work effectively and meet the requirement of the Fire Department. For the sake of HK Citizens, staff may sit for the Level 2 training examination after completing 5-year service instead of 10 years. Again, staff members who have outstanding performance will be recommended to receive rapid sequence intubations (RSI) or endotracheal intubations training.
 Personnel reconfiguration and business development: job-rotation is commonly used over every rank, team and even department. Training is needed when employees are arranged a new task, administration may not keep pace with business development or the numbers of new staff increase very rapid.
Stand-by staff training: the Fire Department has been advocated to raise the efficiency and provide various and professional services under limited resources. However, this caused the related three fields lack of staff in every rank. It is suggested to imitate Ta wan that the Department should reform the system in order to solve the problems.  (林育新,2006)
Stand-by members in Taiwan are trained foundational courses mainly rescue squad training and disaster-relief. Up to late 2009, 13010 was trained and awarded by EMT-1. They were substituted in counties respectively. It is not only strengthening the emergent know-how, but also helping to save.  (林育新,2006)
 Laying emphasis on moralization: to build up good values, e.g. have passion for their society as well as their positions, enhance their organizational commitment and their efficiency & morale. (消防白皮書,2012)
Ought to be done positively:
 To be benevolent: to love other one as yourself, to respect for lives, to concern the others as well as to be brave;
 To be humble: to be nice, to be on good terms and be modest with others, to serve warmly;
 To be confident: to be helpful, to be optimistic
 To be patient: to be endurable, to be insistent and get rid of frustration, self-affirmative,
 To be responsible: to seek truth from facts, to be earnest and down-to-earth, to be alert;
 To be progressive: trying to break through the tradition, to grow up, to be loyal and to abide by the law & always endeavoring to do still better.  (小雜工,2008)
 Muddling (or shuffling) through one's work;
 Abusing of power, persist in principle;
 Intriguing (or plotting) against each other
 Laying the blame upon others & struggling one’s achievements as I did, thinking nothing of fame & advantages;
 Rather conservative.  (小雜工,2008)
 To develop employees’ careers: Generally speaking, employees may develop careers according to their ability. The Chairman of The Chinese HR Association of Taiwan, Mr. Zhang Rui Ming said that supervisors play the guardian angel roles in due course: to help their fellow subordinates plan their future, put the talented in a right place and combine their careers & the targets of an organization together. Mr. Zhang emphasize that it’d better let the promising people & people with capacity to practice career management.  (林育新,2006)
 To enlighten employees: to arrange sensitivity training courses for employees: to restructure their mentality & remove their barrier by team-activities, observation, discussion, being honest to oneself.  (華民教育,2009)Such courses let the employees explain themselves and understand the formation & operation of an organization. In these course, members will be divided into teams and discuss the cases brought forth by their tutors. Furthermore, members are requested to provide solutions and argue with each other for the matters if need. Afterwards, the communicative hindrance would be done away with soon.
(G) Conclusions:
An organization which is willing to invest on thorough training scheme will gain a lot, even the employees & the organization itself. Of course, it should not only attach great importance to profit-making & efficiency, but also give profound attention to morality built-up in the society & its long- termed mission so that it will be backed up comprehensively and becomes successful.
In addition, training and development practices in many organizations have been quite dismal due to poor control and supervision and it becomes meaningless that the trainees cannot get what they need & practice what they learn in the jobs.  (南通市電視廣播大學培訓中心,2009-2010)
Training should be thorough and it is not a show. The processes of the training are required to carry out completely, not only stayed in ideas, but also changed into know-how and taken into practice. After that, the trainees have to be followed up whether they have good command of what they learnt. Then their performance will be improved & productive.  (南通市電視廣播大學)

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