KUDSI ERGUNER的土耳其蘇菲派音樂簡介
蘇菲音樂是土耳其最重要的宗教音樂,有人將蘇菲信仰簡單定義為「回教神秘主義」,這種信仰興起於波斯,Sufism一詞誕生於七到八世紀。它是回教信仰內 的內秘、奧秘、神秘與純靈性層次。蘇菲派著重沈思默想,看重道德修為,透過音樂與舞蹈的修行來尋求與神(真主)合一,這張唱片均為歌舞儀式的伴奏音樂,透 過這種典禮音樂來達到精神恍惚的狀態,以目睹幻象,稱為「混合境」。
回教創建的一個世紀後,有這樣幾個人誕生,他們以純淨的生活方式,及對此宗教瞭 若指掌而吸引了龐大的信徒。回教發展出的重要趨勢之一為蘇菲主義(Sufism),有著多樣(或不同)傳統的一間思潮學校(a school of thought)由於不同教師具有相同特點的教學而改變了,這些教師是個別信徒團體的精神領袖們。蘇菲傳統是回教文化中最重要的音樂文學來源。
由偉大的神學家、著名密契主義詩人魯米(Mevlana Jahahi'ddin Roumi)創立於13世紀的梅芙萊維教團(Mevlevi Order)是所有蘇菲團體中最著名的。魯米(1207-1273 A.D),他的詩歌及狂喜的舞蹈、薩瑪宗教儀式(sema)成為蘇菲主義之梅芙萊維教團分支派的典禮、儀式根據。他的教學及門徒在歐洲為人熟知的是修行者 迴轉舞(Whirling Dervishes),用音樂作為入神的煤介,這方式擴及到鄂圖曼帝國,其首都伊斯坦堡成為回教文化(伊斯蘭文化)的中心。蘇丹人───許多是會鼓吹藝術 的詩人及音樂家───常常也是魯米的學生,而且蘇丹人建立叫Mevlevihane(Mevlevi的房子s之意)的中心,變成由魯米在音樂及詩中的愛所 激勵的藝術學校。簧管(ney)在梅芙萊維蘇菲主義有著舉足輕重的地位,因為魯米在詩中把簧管發出之聲比喻成“智者的言語及神的眷顧”,並在教團儀式中使 它擔綱主要樂器。為這些冗長儀式伴奏的音樂大部份由會奏簧管的大師作曲,以魯米的詩為根據,這些音樂是土耳其文化及宗教傳統的名家作品。
The Mevlevi order
The Mevlevi Order has for seven centuries offered spiritual training based on the principles of Sufism. It is a rigorous path of initiation and service continually adapting itself to changing circumstances and times. The Mevlevi Order traces back to Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi (d. 1273) one of the greatest mystics and poets the world has ever known. Historically it has been Rumi, more than any other Sufi, who has issued the invitation to people of all backgrounds to the mystical garden that is Sufism:
For more than seven centuries the Mevlevi Order has held the light of the religion of love, offering spiritual refuge and enlightenment for those who wished to develop their human-ness to the highest level. In Ottoman times the Mevlevi Order cultivated not only spiritual attainment but cultural and artistic excellence as well. Mevlevis have always been progressive and liberal in spirit while at the same time conserving the best of tradition. Today, the Mevlevi Order is reviving in the West.
The Naqshbandi Sufi Order has, in recent years, incorporated the practice of whirling as a meditation and devotion.