

然而「是否遵守教規」看似簡單易懂,卻不易定義與操作,故時常成為欲加之罪何患無辭的莫須有。綜觀中東近代政治史,不乏受希斯巴迫害的知識份子,其中最有名的便是埃及的古蘭經學者納斯勒·阿布·宰德(Nasr Abu Zayd,阿拉伯語:نصر حامد أبو زيد,1943-2010)。其為開羅大學的伊斯蘭法學教授,主張現代穆斯林應以人文主義、詮釋學的角度來理解《古蘭經》,即古蘭經雖有其神聖性,但其本質就是誕生於七世紀阿拉伯人文背景的文化產品,當代穆斯林應「多次閱讀經典」,以獲取「解釋的多樣性」(al-ta 'addud alta 'wili,阿拉伯語:التعدد التأويلي),而非單純聽取宗教人員的一面之詞,沒想到此番主張會在日後引起軒然大波。



1992年,納斯勒向開羅大學提交了13部阿語及其他語言的著作,申請晉升為正教授,結果受到阿卜杜拉·薩布爾·沙辛(Abdel Al-Sabour Shahin)為首的保守派學者抵制,抨擊納斯勒「污辱伊斯蘭」,最後納斯勒無緣正教授之位。然而沙辛仍窮追不捨,其不僅在各大場合稱納斯勒為「叛教者」(murtadd,阿拉伯語:مرتد),更動員其他學者向法院提起訴訟,指控納斯勒的學術著作擾亂人心,有叛教之事實,應受希斯巴管轄。而由於伊斯蘭法規定穆斯林婦女不得與叛教者通婚,故這些學者進而要求法院應強制讓定納斯勒與妻子離婚。原本一場學界內鬥最終演變成叛教鬧劇。

1995年,法院裁定納斯勒叛教,並宣告其婚姻無效。接下來幾週內,納斯勒收到無數死亡威脅,其著作也被開羅大學圖書館下架,在無路可走的情況下,納斯勒只好與妻子流亡馬德里,最後於荷蘭的萊頓大學(Leiden University)落腳,成為阿拉伯與伊斯蘭研究的客座教授,同時擔任博士生導師。此後納斯勒與妻子曾多次返國探望家人,但往往只能稍作停留。2010年,其於返國期間一病不起,最後病逝於開羅醫院,享年66歲。納斯勒提出的批判性方法成為現代伊斯蘭思想的重要遺產,埃及也於1998年修法,禁止個人向法院提出「叛教」的控訴,並將其保留為檢察機關的權力。

放眼20世紀80到90年代的埃及,無數希斯巴鬧劇在法院與社會輪番上演,對象從自由派學者、記者、導演再到作家-艾哈邁德·薩布希·曼蘇爾(Ahmed Subhy Mansour,阿拉伯語:أحمد صبحي منصور‎,1949-)被愛資哈爾大學解雇,最後流亡美國;諾貝爾文學獎得主納吉布·馬哈福茲(Naguib Mahfouz,阿拉伯語:نجيب محفوظ,1911-2006)遇刺,造成右上肢神經的永久損害,失去了書寫能力;女性主義作家納瓦勒·薩達維(Nawal al-Saadawi,阿拉伯語:نوال السعداوي,1931-)先是被解職,最後鋃鐺入獄。至今,埃及政府仍常以希斯巴之名管制出版品、限制宗教論述。

艾哈邁德·薩布希·曼蘇爾(取自Mark Taylor)

艾哈邁德·薩布希·曼蘇爾(取自Mark Taylor)




沙烏地的宗教警察始於穆罕默德·本·沙特(Muhammad bin Saud,1726-1765)與穆罕默德·阿卜杜·瓦哈卜(Muhammad Abd Wahhab,1703-1792)的合作,兩人以政治結盟及家族聯姻的方式,建立了德拉伊耶酋長國(Emirate of Diriyah,1744-1818),政治、外交與軍事事務由沙烏地家族負責,瓦哈卜家族及其門徒則負責對內的宗教治理,大力推行伊斯蘭法與瓦哈比主義,成了當代沙烏地的雛型。1811年,埃及軍隊代表奧斯曼帝國出兵阿拉伯半島,史稱奧斯曼-沙烏地戰爭(1811-1818,又名瓦哈比戰爭),最後埃及軍隊奪下漢志(Hejaz),德拉伊耶酋長國宣告滅亡,剩餘殘部遂退至內志(Nejd)谷地,成立內志酋長國,沙烏地與瓦哈卜家族自此陷入孤立無援的境地。







然而請神容易送神難,伊赫瓦尼的思想日漸極端,認為自己真正要效忠的對象應是真主,而非沙特家族,並在沙烏地開始現代化建設後與其爆發了極大的衝突。首先,伊赫瓦尼以超高的宗教標準譴責沙烏地家族"不夠伊斯蘭",認為引入電話、電報、汽車這種"悖離信仰的產物"形同叛教,更抨擊沙烏地與英國(異教徒)同流合汙。長此以往,分歧深化,伊赫瓦尼最終成了半島上的伊斯蘭自走砲,完全不受沙烏地指揮與控制,不僅襲擊英國控制下的外約旦酋長國(Emirate of Transjordan,1921-1946),更入侵沙烏地-伊拉克中立區(Saudi Arabian–Iraqi neutral zone),導致英國轟炸內志作為報復,最後更舉兵造反,意欲推翻沙烏地家族。

這場叛亂結束在一陣屠殺中,伊赫瓦尼以傳統的駱駝部隊力抗持有機槍、裝甲部隊的沙烏地,結果當然是慘敗收場,領導人多數戰死、少數則流亡至其他部落,史稱薩比拉戰役(Battle of Sabilla,1929)。然而由於沙烏地仍需借重其武裝力量,故除懲處幾位高層外,多數的伊赫瓦尼都被收編至沙烏地國民警衛隊(Saudi Arabian National Guard Forces,SANG)中;而為避免類似暴亂再次發生,沙烏地也於1940年成立了勸善戒惡委員會(Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice,CPVPV),管理所有宗教警察,並由國王直接指揮;領導運動的歐泰比家族(al-Otaybi,阿拉伯語:العتيبي)也未被趕盡殺絕,從而種下了50年後的禍根。

1979年11月20日,歐泰比後人、前國民警衛隊成員朱海曼·歐泰比(Juhayman al-Otaybi,1936-1980)帶領近600名武裝份子封鎖麥加大清真寺,(Al-Masjid al-Ḥarām,阿拉伯語:المسجد الحرام‎,又名禁寺),殺死警衛,挾持人質,呼籲全世界穆林共同起事,推翻沙烏地家族。早在暴亂前,歐泰比便與國民警衛隊有所勾結,將許多精良的裝備運至禁寺內藏匿,並運用自身的軍事專業,於寺內各處配置狙擊手與武裝部隊,令前來攻打的沙烏地部隊傷亡慘重。

後在沙烏地的求援下,法國、約旦、巴基斯坦皆派兵協助,加上負責維修大清真寺的賓拉登集團(Saudi Binladin Group,阿拉伯語:مجموعة بن لادن السعودية‎)提供的內部結構圖,這場持續了兩週的叛亂終於畫下尾聲,但雙方都付出了慘痛的代價,大清真寺多處損毀,軍方共127名人員戰死,人質死亡200多人;叛亂方共117人戰死,沙烏地此次不再心軟,將歐泰比在內的68名領導人斬首示眾。




















Quoted from:

ROME, APRIL 4, 2011 ( Saudi Arabia is considered holy ground by the Muslim majority who live there. Hence, Christians and even Muslims of other sects, face severe restrictions.

Christians make up only about 3% of the population, but they have no churches and never display their faith in public.

Professor Camille Eid, a journalist, author, professor at the University of Milan and expert on the Churches of the Middle East, spoke about the Saudi Arabia situation with the television program "Where God Weeps" of the Catholic Radio and Television Network (CRTN) in cooperation with Aid to the Church in Need.

Q: Saudi Arabia is a hereditary monarchy based on the foundation of Wahhabi Islam. What is this branch of Islam?

Eid: Wahhabism is a new doctrine of Islam. Its founder is Abd-al Wahhab, who was a religious scholar of Hanafi Islam, which is the strictest doctrine of Islam. He decided that all innovations -- "Bida" is the term in Arabic -- in Islam should be eliminated. A visit to a cemetery for instance is considered a bida-innovation and is prohibited. You cannot do anything that the Prophet Mohammed and his companions did not do. So the alliance between the followers of Wahhabi and the prince of Najd in central Arabia created the birth of this Saudi Arabian kingdom. Saudi Arabia takes its name from the Saud family. This house of Saud alliance with the Wahhabi sect is still true today and the successors of the kingdom follow this strict instruction and doctrine of Wahhabism; the laws of the kingdom follow the strict guidelines of Wahhabism. 

Q: What about the Shia? 

Eid: The Shia make up almost 10% of the population and they face much discrimination. They are concentrated mainly in the eastern part of the kingdom. There is another sect of the Shia, the Ismaili, and they are very near the Yemeni border. The kingdom and its leadership subscribe to Wahhabism. 

Q: The Quran is Saudi Arabia ’s constitution. What position does the Quran or this constitution take toward non-Muslims? 

Eid: The Quran distinguishes between Christians and Jews, and other unbelievers. Christians and Jews are called the “People of the Book,” or the books if you want -- the Gospel and the Torah. Sometimes in the Quran, Christians are described in a very positive way. The Christian monarch and priests pray. But, during the second period in the Prophet’s revelation, Christians are described as unbelievers and [it's said they] should pay the "Jizya," the tax necessary to be protected in an Islamic society. There seems to be a contradiction in the book itself. That is why we have a liberal and a violent Islam. The violent Islam is a result of the second revelation that occurred during the last reign of Mohammed and as a result the current Islamic societies state that the events of the second revelation should be followed and not the previous revelations, which are more tolerant. 

Q: The government is built on the principles of Sharia. What is Sharia? 

Eid: Sharia is the summa of the Quran, the Hadith, which are the statements of Mohammed, and other sources such as the Ishma, which is the consensus of all Islamic scholars (Ulema). Sharia Law is taken from all these. 

Q: All residents who live in Saudi Arabia are subjected to the law of Sharia? 

Eid: All residents are subjected to this law and you cannot object because it is tantamount to objecting to Islam. Upon arrival at the airport you are informed immediately that you are to abide by the strict Islamic laws. I as a Christian, for instance, had a Pepsi in my hand during Ramadan. I noticed that everybody was looking at me in a certain way and they could have beaten me. You cannot eat outside or in public during the fast. You can only eat in secret. So you have to observe the fast even if you are not Muslim because that is the law. 

Q: Christians constitute the biggest non-Muslim group in Saudi Arabia . How do Christians live their faith in Saudi Arabia ? 

Eid: In secret. It is forbidden to have Bibles, religious images and rosaries; if they are detected at the airport they are immediately confiscated. There was an instance when I was at the Jeddah Airport with a videocassette and they asked to view this cassette. The video was about Spartacus. I was suddenly fearful that they would see the image of the crucifixion. The guard eventually allowed it because it was a soldier being crucified and not Jesus Christ. ... It is hard. They say that Christians can pray privately but what does private mean? Does it mean alone or with your family? When more than two, or a group of families, are praying together in the privacy of their home the religious police can come in and intervene and arrest them. 

Q: What happens to the Christian that is caught with a rosary in their pocket or wearing a cross? 

Eid: If it is in a pocket nobody can see it. If, however you are seen wearing a cross, any Muslim -- and not just the police -- can take it away. You will be arrested and risk expulsion from the kingdom. They will haul you to prison and after a few days you will be issued an exit visa. It will be over for you.

Q: What other kind of Christian activities are punishable by law? 

Eid: All public manifestation of any faith other than Islam is punishable. They do know that the Americans, French and Italians celebrate the Mass for Christmas and Easter inside the embassies but because the embassy is extra-territorial, the law does not apply. The police, however, are around to monitor. There are no churches, synagogues or temples in the kingdom. All manifestations of other faiths are prohibited. 

Q: Who enforces the law? 

Eid: You have 5,000 religious police divided among 100 districts, but any Muslim can enforce the law by denouncing the individual. I spent two and half years in Jeddah; I was afraid to extend the Easter and Christmas greetings even via phone because I was afraid that someone might be listening. The religious police control everything including the bookshops because it is prohibited to sell any card with non-Muslim themes. Some years ago in the American school, a Santa Claus was almost arrested but he managed to escape through a window. It is prohibited. 

Q: Are Christians a particular target of persecution or discrimination? 

Eid: Not just Christians but the non-Wahhabi versions of Islam such as the Shia or Ismaili. Not all Christian communities suffer equally. American, Italian, French and British -- in fact most Europeans and other First World countries -- suffer less because they know that these countries are powerful and will intervene immediately to protect their citizens. So they target the Christians of the Third World like Eritrea , India and the Philippines . These countries fear the loss of revenue from their citizens living in the kingdom. So they target the Christians of these weaker Third World countries. 

Q: It has been said that Filipino maids have been accused of communicating the faith to the children of the wealthy Saudis that employ them. Do you know anything about this? 

Eid: The Islamic catechism talks about the risk of communicating faith. The Saudi version states: “When you go abroad you should not develop a relationship or friendship with your professors because you should remember that they are infidels." This criterion also applies to the Filipino women in Saudi Arabia . Any communication can only occur by testimony not by words. 

Q: Only through witness?

Eid: Only through witness and that is why they have suggested substituting Filipinos, or Christian women in general, with Egyptian, Moroccan or Algerian women so that they cannot communicate the faith to the children.

Q: We have talked about discrimination. We have talked about persecution. How far can this persecution go? 

Eid: To death. We have a case of the martyrdom of a Saudi girl who converted to Christianity. Her brother discovered her. She wrote a poem to Christ and she had her tongue cut, she disappeared and was later found dead. Her name was Fatima Al-Mutairi and this happened in August of 2008. In 2008 two cases of raids by the religious police saw men, women and children less than 3 years old arrested. We have many reports of torture; before they are deported to their country these Filipinos, Indians and Eritreans are tortured by the police in the prisons. 

Q: You mentioned the case of Fatima who converted to Christianity. What is the number of Muslims converting? Do you have any information or is it impossible to know? 

Eid: It is not possible. Saudi society is difficult to penetrate because the regime monitors every activity. Sometimes you notice this from the women’s perspective. When these Saudi women go abroad, even upon entry in the airplane, they remove the hijab. In Lebanon and other countries they drink alcohol. When they return to their country they know that that have to abide by the laws. 

Q: … and converts?

Eid: Christian converts do exist. I follow the Arabic media channels, which broadcast to Saudi Arabia and the whole Arab world, and during the transmission many calls originate from Saudi Arabia . Those converts who travel to Morocco and Egypt talk about their experience but do not mention their names and request only that the Christian community pray for them because they desire to see the day when they will be allowed to go to a church, to be able to have access to the Gospels and to be able to share their new faith with their own family. If a convert informs his/her brother or father of his/her new faith, he or she faces the danger of being charged with treason by the family; a treason not only of one’s family but also to the nation and society in general. Apostasy is a question of honor and as such it is considered treason. 

Q: Professor Samir Khalil Samir, an Egyptian Quran scholar, stated that within the Quran, there is no obligation to kill an apostate. Where does this expression of violence come from? 

Eid: Exactly. In the 14th [book] of the Quran there is talk about apostasy but there is no talk of a penalty in this life but rather in the second life. This change comes from the Hadith of Mohammed in which he said that whomever changes religion should be killed. But a problem again arises from this, because with the thousands of Hadith, there is no proof that Mohammed actually said this. Many Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan under the Taliban, Iran and Yemen, and so on, apply the death penalty based on a Hadith that can't be a hundred percent proven that it is from Mohammed. 

Q: Can you tell us a little bit about the lay Catholics living in Saudi Arabia? 

Eid: It is hard to be a lay Catholic in Saudi Arabia because you have to have a very deep background in your faith. You cannot have copies of the Gospel in your home. You cannot have a rosary. You cannot have contact with your Christian friends as a community; you can have Christian friends, you can frequent the foreign communities but you are prohibited from talking about your faith. So the only possibility is to have a strong awareness and knowledge of your faith that you can bank on in this environment. 

In other Islamic countries Friday is a holiday so Mass as a community [is allowed], but not on Sunday because Sunday is considered a working day; but even this is not the case in Saudi Arabia. So you are a community by yourself. Usually you do not even have your own family because Saudi Arabia has restrictions on family reunification. If you have a daughter who is more than 18 years of age, she cannot stay in Saudi Arabia if she is not married. So most have their families somewhere else. So you are alone and with no contact to other Catholics, which is very hard, and so you have to have the strength of faith in your heart; to be able to pray with out the prayer books, to just know and pray the prayers you have learned by heart from your childhood. 


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