職位編號: | 33830 | |||
部門: | 教育局 | |||
組別/單位: | 教育基建分部 | |||
職位名稱: | 行政文員(EDB/EI/193/13) | |||
薪酬: | 月薪11,975元 | |||
入職條件: | (a)(i)在香港中學文憑考試五科考獲第2級或同等[註1]或以上成績[註2],其中一科為數學,或具同等學歷;或 (ii)在香港中學會考五科考獲第2級[註3]/E級或以上成績[註2],其中一科為數學,或具同等學歷; (b)符合語文能力要求,即在香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科考獲第2級[註3]或以上成績,或具同等成績; (c)具備兩年全職相關工作經驗; (d)具備良好的中、英文寫作及口語能力;以及 (e)熟悉微軟Word、Excel及PowerPoint的應用。 [備註:申請人須於申請表格內詳細列明有關的學歷(例如:於香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考中各科目考取的成績等級)及工作經驗(例如:職位、僱 主、職責、聘用期),並於截止申請日期或之前,將修業成績表副本、證書副本及相關工作經驗的證明文件副本夾附已填妥的申請表格一併遞交或郵寄至所列的查詢 地址,並請在信封上註明「申請行政文員職位」。請勿提交修業成績表/證書的正本。] | |||
註: | 1. 政府在聘任時,香港中學文憑考試應用學習科目(最多計算兩科)「達標並表現優異」成績,以及其他語言科目C級成績,會被視為相等於新高中科目第3級成績; 香港中學文憑考試應用學習科目(最多計算兩科)「達標」成績,以及其他語言科目E級成績,會被視為相等於新高中科目第2級成績。 2. 有關科目可包括中國語文科及英國語文科。 3. 政府在聘任時,2007年前的香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科(課程乙) C級及E級成績,在行政上會分別被視為等同2007年或之後香港中學會考中國語文科和英國語文科第3級和第2級成績。 | |||
職責: | 提供行政、文書及秘書工作,包括: (a)執行一般文件歸檔、打字及秘書工作; (b)處理物料、器材及服務的採購; (c)處理招聘及人事; (d)更新存貨紀錄; (e)處理公文傳遞、接收及發送; (f)協助整理回覆、報告和統計表; (g)準備會議及訓練物資; (h)處理公眾電話諮詢;以及 (i)執行其他獲指派的職務。 | |||
聘用條款: | 獲錄用者將會按非公務員合約條件聘用,合約期至2014年10月17日。 | |||
福利: | 根據《僱傭條例》的規定,按適當情況,可享有7天年假、休息日、法定假日(或代替假日)、產假及疾病津貼。 | |||
附註: | (a) 申請人須在申請表格上清楚註明職位編號及職位名稱,例如:行政文員(EDB/EI/193/13)。(b) 除另有指明外,申請人於獲聘時必須已成為香港特別行政區永久性居民。(c) 作為提供平等就業機會的僱主,政府致力消除在就業方面的歧視。所有符合基本入職條件的人士,不論其殘疾、性別、婚姻狀況、懷孕、年齡、家庭崗位、性傾向和 種族,均可申請本欄內的職位。(d) 非公務員職位並不是公務員編制內的職位。應徵者如獲聘用,將不會按公務員聘用條款和服務條件聘用。獲聘的應徵者並非公務員,並不會享有獲調派、晉升或轉職 至公務員職位的資格。(e) 入職薪酬、聘用條款及服務條件,應以獲聘時之規定為準。(f) 如果符合訂明入職條件的應徵者人數眾多,招聘部門可以訂立篩選準則,甄選條件較佳的應徵者,以便進一步處理。在此情況下,只有獲篩選的應徵者會獲邀參加招 聘考試╱面試。(g) 政府的政策,是盡可能安排殘疾人士擔任適合的職位。殘疾人士申請職位,如其符合入職條件,毋須再經篩選,便會獲邀參加面試╱筆試。(h) 持有本港以外學府╱非香港考試及評核局頒授的學歷人士亦可申請,惟其學歷必須經過評審以確定是否與職位所要求的本地學歷水平相若。有關申請人須郵寄修業成 績副本及證書副本到下述查詢地址。 | |||
申請手續: | 申請表格 [G.F. 340 (3/2013修訂版)] 可向民政事務總署各區民政事務處諮詢服務中心或勞工處就業科各就業中心索取。該表格也可從公務員事務局互聯網站 ( 下載。申請書須於截止申請日期或之前送達下列查詢地址(香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心36樓3602室教育局教育基建分部)。申請人如獲選參加面 試,通常會在截止申請日期後約六至八個星期內接到通知。如申請人未獲邀參加面試,則可視作經已落選。有關上述空缺的資料,可按該項職位所列電話查詢。 | |||
查詢地址: | 香港灣仔皇后大道東183號合和中心36樓3602室教育局教育基建分部 | |||
查詢電話: | 2123 6089 | |||
截止申請日期(日/月/年) : | 29/11/2013 18:00:00 | |||
刊登職位報章及日期: | 明報 (2013年11月15及22日) | |||
經互聯網遞交申請: | 不適用 | |||
發布日期 | 15/11/2013 |
Job Number: | 33830 | |||
Department: | Education Bureau | |||
Division/Section/Unit: | Education Infrastructure Division | |||
Job Title: | Administrative Clerk (EDB/EI/193/13) | |||
Salary: | $11,975 per month | |||
Entry Requirements: | (a)(i)Level 2 or equivalent [Note 1] or above in five subjects including Mathematics in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSEE) [Note 2], or equivalent; or (ii)Level 2 [Note 3] / Grade E or above in five subjects including Mathematics in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) [Note 2], or equivalent; (b)met the language proficiency requirements of Level 2 [Note 3] or above in Chinese Language and English Language in HKDSEE or HKCEE, or equivalent; (c)at least 2 years' full-time relevant working experience; (d)Good command of written and spoken English and Chinese; and (e)Good command of MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint. [Remarks: Applicants should list in detail the relevant academic attainments (for example, the subjects attempted in HKDSEE/ HKCEE and the grading obtained for each subject) and working experiences (for example, post, employer, duties, and employment period) in the application form. Completed application forms, together with copies of documentary proof of the required academic qualifications (e.g. transcripts, certificates, etc.) and relevant working experiences, should reach the enquiry address indicated on or before the closing date for application. Please clearly mark on the envelope "Application for the position of Administrative Clerk". Please do not send originals of transcripts/ certificates.] | |||
Note: | 1. For appointment purpose, "Attained with Distinction" in Applied Learning subjects (subject to a maximum of two Applied Learning subjects), and Grade C in Other Language subjects in the HKDSEE are accepted as equivalent to Level 3 in the New Senior Secondary subjects in the HKDSEE. "Attained" in Applied Learning subjects (subject to a maximum of two Applied Learning subjects), and Grade E in Other Language subjects in the HKDSEE are accepted as equivalent to Level 2 in the New Senior Secondary subjects in the HKDSEE. 2. The subjects may include Chinese Language and English Language. 3. For appointment purpose, 'Grade C' and 'Grade E' in Chinese Language and English Language (Syllabus B) in the HKCEE before 2007 are accepted administratively as comparable to 'Level 3' and 'Level 2' respectively in Chinese Language and English Language in the 2007 HKCEE and henceforth. | |||
Duties: | To provide administrative, clerical and secretarial support, which include (a) Carrying out general filing, typing and secretarial duties; (b) Handling procurement of stores, equipment and services; (c) Processing recruitment and personnel matters; (d) Updating inventory record; (e) Handling circulation, receipt and dispatch of documents; (f) Assisting in consolidating returns, reports and statistics; (g) Providing logistical arrangements for meetings and trainings; (h) Handling hotline enquiries; and (i) Performing other duties assigned. | |||
Terms of Appointment: | Successful candidates will be employed on non-civil service contract terms up to 17 October 2014. | |||
Fringe Benefits | 7 days annual leave and full pay sickness allowance whereas rest days, statutory holidays(or substituted holidays), maternity leave, where appropriate, will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Ordinance. | |||
General Notes: | (a) Please mark clearly the EDB Job Code and specific contract post applied for, e.g. Administrative Clerk (EDB/EI/193/13). (b) Candidates must be permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of appointment unless specified otherwise.(c) As an Equal Opportunities Employer, the Government is committed to eliminating discrimination in employment. The vacancy advertised is open to all applicants meeting the basic entry requirement irrespective of their disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, family status, sexual orientation and race.(d) Non-civil service vacancies are not posts on the civil service establishment. Candidates appointed are not on civil service terms of appointment and conditions of service. Candidates appointed are not civil servants and will not be eligible for posting, promotion or transfer to any posts in the Civil Service.(e) The entry pay, terms of appointment and conditions of service to be offered are subject to the provisions prevailing at the time the offer of appointment is made.(f) Where a large number of candidates meet the specified entry requirements, the recruiting department may devise shortlisting criteria to select the better qualified candidates for further processing. In these circumstances, only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend recruitment examination and/or interview.(g) It is Government policy to place people with a disability in appropriate jobs wherever possible. If a disabled candidate meets the entry requirements, he/she will be invited to attend the selection interview/written examination without being subject to any further shortlisting criteria.(h) Holders of academic qualifications other than those obtained from Hong Kong institutions/Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority may also apply but their qualifications will be subject to assessments on equivalence with the required entry qualifications. They should submit copies of their official transcripts and certificates by mail to the enquiry address below. | |||
How to apply: | Application Forms [G.F. 340 (Rev. 3/2013)] are obtainable from any Public Enquiry Service Centres of District Offices, Home Affairs Department or any Job Centres of the Employment Services Division, Labour Department. The said form can also be downloaded from the Civil Service Bureau's web site ( Application should reach the following enquiry address (Education Infrastructure Division, Education Bureau, Rm 3602, 36/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.) on or before the closing date for application. Candidates who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation in about six to eight weeks from the closing date for application. Those who are not invited for interview may assume that their applications are unsuccessful. For enquiries, please call the telephone number indicated. | |||
Enquiry Address: | Education Infrastructure Division, Education Bureau, Rm 3602, 36/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. | |||
Enquiry Telephone: | 2123 6089 | |||
Closing Date(dd/mm/yyyy): | 29/11/2013 18:00:00 | |||
Newspaper(s) Advertised and Date(s): | Mingpao (15 and 22 November 2013) | |||
Application via Internet: | Not Applicable | |||
Advertising Date | 15/11/2013 |