
Although both "Weather" and "Climate" are used to describe the condition of the atmosphere, they are very different in terms of the time scale considered.  "Weather" describes the combined atmospheric situation in a place at the time or within a very short time (several hours to a few days), such as wind speed, temperature, cloud amount, rainfall, pressure, etc.  "Climate" refers to the average of the meteorological condition and pattern in a place over a longer period of time.  In other words, "Climate" can be described as the "Average Weather".  According to the definition of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the reference period for compiling the climate statistics should be at least 30 years.

More information on the climate of Hong Kong is available from the Observatory's "Climatological Information Services" webpage:


Through a question and answer approach, the Climate Change FAQs will explain some basic knowledge and facts of climate change in layman terms in order to enhance the public's understanding of the causes of climate change, its impacts and what we can do to mitigate its effects.

    1. What Is the difference between weather and climate?
    2. What is climate change?
    3. What is IPCC?
    4. What is greenhouse effect?
    5. How do human activities contribute to climate change?
    6. How are temperatures on Earth changing?
    7. What changes in precipitation can we expect?
    8. Is the amount of snow and ice on the Earth decreasing?
    9. Is sea level rising?
    10. Are extreme weather events becoming more frequent?
    11. Can individual extreme events be explained by climate change?
    12. Why snowstorms and extremely cold weather still occur in some regions under global warming?
    13. Can the warming of the 20th century be explained by natural factors?
    14. Are the oceans warming up too?
    15. What is the "2°C Target"?
    16. Are tropical cyclone activities changing?
    17. What is thermohaline circulation?
    18. What are global warming potential and carbon dioxide equivalent?
    19. Climate change and extreme precipitation : Is there a connection ?
    20. Do volcanoes emit more carbon dioxide than human activities? NEWNEW
    21. What is medieval warm period? NEWNEW

     More Q&As will be added later, please stay tuned!


    1. What Is the difference between weather and climate?

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  1. What is climate change?

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate change refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. This usage differs from that in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where climate change refers to a change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.


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  1. What is IPCC?

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is a scientific intergovernmental body tasked to evaluate the risk of climate change caused by anthropogenic activity. Climate change is a very complex issue; policymakers need an objective source of information about the causes of climate change, its potential environmental and socio-economic consequences and the adaptation and mitigation options to respond to it. That is why IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

The IPCC is the authority on climate change. The main activity of IPCC is providing its authoritative assessment reports at regular intervals. The findings of the first IPCC Assessment Report of 1990 and the second Assessment report of 1995 played a decisive role in leading to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol. The Third Assessment Report of 2001 as well as Special and Methodology Reports provided further information relevant for the development of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. The Fourth Assessment Report of 2007 confirmed that warming of the climate system is unequivocal and most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely due to the increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentration.

Useful Links:



Kyoto Protocol



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  1. What is greenhouse effect?

The heat content at the surface of the earth is mainly derived from the sun. When solar radiation mainly in the form of visible light reached the earth, it heats up the earth. To balance the absorbed incoming energy, the earth will radiate the same amount of energy of infra-red radiation back to space. Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, absorb part of the infra-red radiation emitted from the earth and then return part of the re-emitted radiation to the earth. This is so-called the greenhouse effect. As such, greenhouse gases act like a blanket and prevent the earth from losing excessive heat. If the greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere increases, the earth surface will retain more heat than before, the air temperature of the earth surface will rise. But, if greenhouse gases are not present in the earth, its average surface temperature would be very low of around -18oC rather than the about 14.5oC found today.



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  1. How do human activities contribute to climate change?

Rapid development of economic and industrial activities since the 18th century has lead to excessive use of energy and resources. In particular, the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal and oil) emits large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.  The increase in anthropogenic (human induced) greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere enhances the greenhouse effect.  This can be visualized as the thickening of an invisible blanket covering the earth, resulting in global warming.  The human impact on climate during this era greatly exceeds that due to known changes in natural processes, such as solar changes and volcanic eruptions.

The main greenhouse gases added through human activities, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, will reside in the atmosphere for decades or even centuries.  The resulting global warming and its effect are thus long lasting.  As such, it is considered by scientists and policy makers to be one of the most serious problems that mankind has to face, not only now but for generations to come.

The Three Major Greenhouse Gases Produced by Human Activities


Greenhouse Gas

Main human emission sources


Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Fossil fuel use and change in land use


Methane (CH4)

Agriculture and fossil fuel use


Nitrous oxide (N2O)



Atmospheric concentrations of key greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) from 0 to 2005 (Source: IPCC, 2007) 

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  1. How are temperatures on Earth changing?

According to the Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC, the global mean temperature rose by 0.74 during the hundred year period between 1906 and 2005.  The rising rate was 0.13 per decade in the 50 years from 1956 to 2005, nearly twice the rate in the past 100 years. Eleven (1998, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2001, 1997, 2008, 1999) of the last twelve years (from 1997 to 2008) rank among the 12 warmest years on record.

Observed changes in global average surface temperature. Changes are relative to corresponding averages for the period 1961-1990. Smoothed curve represents decadal averaged values while circles show yearly values. The shaded areas are the uncertainty intervals. (Source: IPCC, 2007)


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  1. What changes in precipitation can we expect?

Precipitation is the general term for rainfall, snowfall and other forms of frozen or liquid water falling from clouds.  Water on land and of the ocean becomes water vapour in the atmosphere through the processes of evaporation and evapotransporation. When water vapour rises, it cools down and when it reaches a certain height, it condenses as cloud and then falls back to ground as precipitation.  

Global warming (land and ocean) will affect the atmospheric moisture, precipitation and atmospheric circulation.  Increases in temperature lead to increases in the moisture-holding capacity of the atmosphere and enhance the hydrological cycle, altering the characteristics of precipitation amount, frequency, intensity, duration, type, etc.

Analysis of long term data shows that, unlike the global temperature rise, the regional variation in precipitation trends is large.  Some regions had a rising trend while some had a downward trend.


Water Cycle

The diagram shows the precipitation trends (1900 2005) at various regions.  Precipitation curves with white background are having rising trends and those with yellow background falling trends.  (Source: IPCC, 2007)


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  1. Is the amount of snow and ice on the Earth decreasing?

Yes. According to IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report, the observed decreases in snow and ice extent are consistent with the global warming. Mountain glaciers and snow cover on average have declined in both hemispheres. Since 1900, the extent of seasonal frozen ground in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased by about 7%, with a decrease in spring of up to 15%.

Average snow covered area in the Northern Hemisphere in March-April (Source : IPCC, 2007)

Satellite data since 1978 show that sea ice in the Arctic is shrinking in all seasons, especially in summer with a decreasing rate reaching 7.4% per decade.

The decrease of Arctic sea ice, minimum extent in 1982 and 2007

(Sources: Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal ( and National Snow and Ice Data Center)

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  1. Is sea level rising?

Yes. There is strong evidence that global sea level gradually rose in the 20th century and is currently rising at an increased rate. Global average sea level has risen since 1961 at an average rate of 1.8 mm per year and since 1993 at 3.1 mm per year. The two major causes of global sea level rise are thermal expansion of the oceans (water expands as it warms) and the melting of ice and snow over ground (glaciers, ice caps, and polar ice sheets). Since 1993 thermal expansion of the oceans has contributed about 57% of the sum of the estimated individual contributions to the sea level rise, with decreases in glaciers and ice caps contributing about 28% and losses from the polar ice sheets contributing the remainder.

Observed changes in global average sea level rise from tide gauge (blue) and satellite (red) data. Changes are relative to corresponding averages for the period 1961-1990. Smoothed curve represents decadal averaged values while circles show yearly values. The shaded areas are the uncertainty intervals. (Source: IPCC, 2007)

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  1. Are extreme weather events becoming more frequent ?

An extreme weather event (e.g. heavy rainfall, heat wave, cold spell, drought, etc.) is an infrequent event. Taking temperature as an example, the probability of occurrence of a temperature usually follows a normal distribution with a very low probability of occurrence (usually less than 5%) for extremely high or low temperature.  

In a changing climate, a relatively small shift in the mean of the distribution can result in substantial changes in the frequency of extreme events. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC, over the last 50 years, there were widespread changes in extreme temperatures. In many places, hot days, hot nights and heat wave have become more frequent, while cold days, cold nights and frost have become rarer. Moreover, the frequency of heavy rain events has also increased over most land areas. Since the 1970s, more intense and longer droughts have been observed over wider areas, particularly in the tropics and subtropics. In Hong Kong, it is observed that cold episodes have become rarer while very hot days and heavy rain events are becoming more frequent over the last 120 years or so.

Taking temperature as an example, an increase in the mean can result in substantial changes in the frequency of extreme events.

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  1. Can individual extreme events be explained by climate change?

It is not suitable to determine whether an individual extreme event is due to climate change alone because extreme weather events are usually caused by a combination of factors and a wide range of extreme events is a normal occurrence even in an unchanging climate. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC, observations over the past century suggested that the likelihood of some extreme events, such as heat waves and heavy precipitations, had increased due to climate change, and that the likelihood of others, such as cold spells and frost, had decreased.


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  1. Why snowstorms and extremely cold weather still occur in some regions under global warming?

The cold event in one place at one time (say, a week or a month) is just weather, and says nothing about climate. Global warming refers to a long term rising trend of globally averaged temperature attributed to human activity since the 20th century, in addition to natural climate variability. Snowstorms and extremely cold weather are extreme climate events against a background of rising temperatures. Such events are part of natural climate variability and are not precluded by global warming. However, global warming has reduced the frequency of occurrence of extremely cold weather over past few decades. The frequency of extremely cold events is expected to decrease further if the global temperature keeps rising in the future.


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  1. Can the warming of the 20th century be explained by natural factors?

The natural factors affecting climate include solar activity, volcanic activity, the Earth's orbital variation, etc.

Recent satellite observations confirmed solar irradiance has an 11-year cycle related to sunspots. However, there is no increasing trend in solar irradiance in the last few decades, while global temperatures have increased significantly. Since the Industrial Revolution, additional man-made greenhouse gases have far more impact on the climate change than the variation of the Sun's irradiance. Therefore, solar activity is not the main cause of the climate warming in the 20th century.

Volcanic eruptions occasionally eject large amounts of dust and suspended particulates high into the atmosphere, temporarily shielding the Earth, reflecting sunlight back to space. This will decrease the solar energy received by the Earth's surface, causing short-term climate cooling.

The Earth's orbital variation brings itself closer or further away from the sun in predictable cycles, which could be related to the past ice-ages and very-long-term changes in the climate. Since the cycles have the periods of tens of thousands of years, they do not have much impact on the climate change observed over the past century.

Climate models cannot reproduce the warming observed in recent decades when only natural factors are considered. According to model simulation, we should have observed a decreasing trend in the global average temperature in the last few decades if only natural factors are considered, but we have observed a significant increasing trend in the global temperature. On the other hand, models can simulate the observed temperature changes in the 20th century when human factors, such as greenhouse gas emissions, are included. Therefore, it is very unlikely that the 20th century warming can be explained only by natural causes. Climate modeling results show that most of the global warming observed over the last 50 years is very likely due to human activities.

Modeling result of global temperature change by considering natural and anthropogenic factors. (relative to the corresponding average for 1901-1950) (Source: IPCC, 2007)

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  1. Are the oceans warming up too?

Human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and enhanced the greenhouse effect, resulting in the accumulation of extra heat on Earth. The 'extra heat' has not only heated up the atmosphere and melted the ice/snow; it has also warmed up the oceans. The warming is not restricted to the sea surface. The sign of warming is observed down to 700m below the surface of the oceans. A direct consequence of ocean warming is the associated rise in the sea level. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), thermal expansion of sea water accounts for a rise of about 18 mm from 1993 to 2003 (i.e. about 1.6 mm per year).

Annual anomalies (relative to the 1961 to 1990 mean) of global sea surface temperature from 1850 to 2005 (Source : Fourth Assessment Report, IPCC)

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  1. What is the "2°C Target"?

The 2°C target was first put forward by European Union (EU) in 1996 based on the impact studies of the 2nd Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published in 1995. During the 1939th Council Meeting held in Luxembourg in 1996, EU indicated that the global mean surface temperature increase should not exceed 2°C above pre-industrial levels to avoid the risk of severe climate change impacts on human and ecological systems. The 2°C increase above pre-industrial levels corresponds to a 1.4°C increase above 1990-2000 levels. The estimated temperature rise in 1990-2000 relative to the pre-industrial levels (1750s or 1850s) is about 0.6°C.

This threshold was later adopted by some other countries and widely cited by many researchers, green groups and organizations as the target ceiling of global warming.

More information about EU's 2°C Target is available at :

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  1. Are tropical cyclone activities changing?

Tropical cyclone is one of the most destructive weather systems on Earth. The possible change in tropical cyclone activity in a changing climate is a matter of great concern to the public and decision makers.

According to a study conducted by an expert team of the World Meteorological Organization (Knuston et al., 2010), it remains uncertain whether the changes in tropical cyclone activities based on the records of different basins in the last century or so, have exceeded the natural variability. This is because the trend detection is complicated by the large fluctuations in the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones and the limitations in the availability and quality of global historical records. Looking into the future, theory and climate model simulations suggested that, if 21st century warming occurs as projected, the global frequency of tropical cyclones is expected to either decrease or remain unchanged. There will be some increase in the mean maximum wind speed of the tropical cyclones, although increases may not occur in all regions. The rainfall rates associated with tropical cyclones are likely to increase too.

In western North Pacific and the South China Sea (0-45°N, 100-180°E), analysis of the observational data shows that the annual number of tropical cyclones decreases from about 35 in the 1960s to about 27 after 2000. Locally, the annual number of tropical cyclones landing within 300 km of Hong Kong has decreased from about 3 in the 1960s to about 2.5 in the 2000s, but the trend is not statistically significant (Ginn et al., 2010).

Annual number of tropical cyclone landing within 300 km of Hong Kong (1961-2009)


Knutson, T.R., J.L. McBride, J. Chan, K. Emanuel, G. Holland, C. Landsea, I. Held, J.P. Kossin, A.K. Srivastava and M. Sugi, 2010: Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change. Nature Geoscience 3, 157 - 163.

Ginn, W.L., T.C. Lee & K.Y. Chan, 2010: Past and Future Changes in the Climate of Hong Kong. ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 24(2), 163-175, HKO Reprint No. 902.

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  1. What is thermohaline circulation?

The thermohaline circulation is a large-scale density-driven circulation in the ocean, caused by differences in temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline). It is also driven by mechanical forces such as winds and tides. In the North Atlantic the thermohaline circulation consists of warm surface water flowing northward and cold deep water flowing southward (see the figure), resulting in a net poleward transport of heat, thereby moderating the tropics and warming the high latitudes of Europe.

There are concerns that greater rainfall and melting of land ice and snow associated with climate change may change the salinity of the oceans and slow down or even halt the thermohaline circulation. Up to the end of 20th century, parts of the thermohaline circulation exhibit considerable inter-decadal variability, but data do not support a coherent trend. According to the Fourth Assessment Report of IPCC, it is very likely that the Atlantic thermohaline circulation will slow down over the course of the 21st century, but very unlikely that it will undergo a large abrupt transition.

Simpified illustration of the Great ocean conveyor belt (Source: Climate change 2001 - Synthesis report, IPCC)

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  1. What are global warming potential and carbon dioxide equivalent?

The ability of different greenhouse gases in trapping heat differs due to their different physical properties, lifetimes and their concentrations in the atmosphere. For a given greenhouse gas, its warming effect (greenhouse effect) over a time period (say 100 years) relative to that of carbon dioxide (CO2) is represented by the Global Warming Potential (GWP). For example, the GWP (over a 100-year time frame) for methane is about 25 (25 times of that for CO2). This means, in terms of contribution to global warming, the emission of 1 tonne of methane is equivalent to that of 25 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Based on the above concept, carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-eq) is commonly used in carbon audit to gauge the combined greenhouse effect from a mixture of greenhouse gas emissions. CO2-eq refers to the amount of CO2, by weight, emitted into the atmosphere that would produce the same global warming potential as that of a given weight of other greenhouse gases being emitted. It is obtained by multiplying the emission of a greenhouse gas by its GWP for the given time horizon. As such, emission of 1 tonne of methane (GWP = 25) is equal to 25 tonnes of CO2-eq.

Global Warming Potential of 3 major human-induced greenhouse gases

 Greenhouse Gas

 Global Warming Potential*

 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)


 Methane (CH4)


 Nitrous oxide (N2O)


*Global warming potential of important greenhouse gases over the common 100-year time frame. (IPCC AR 4, WG1, Chapter 2, page 212-213, 2007)

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  1. Climate change and extreme precipitation : Is there a connection ?

Although an individual extreme precipitation event cannot be solely attributed to climate change, as pointed out in scientific studies, climate change will likely affect the frequency of occurrence of such events in the long term. It is because the tropospheric warming due to increased anthropogenic (human induced) greenhouse gases can lead to an increase in the water-holding capacity of the atmosphere. The warming may also enhance the hydrological cycle and atmospheric instability. A less stable atmosphere with more water vapour in the air will provide a more favourable condition for intense precipitation events.

Moreover, some studies suggest that urbanization effect may also partly contribute to heavier rain in urban areas. This may be attributed to the urban heat island effect that enhances the convective activities, the increased roughness over a city that slows down the storm movement and the increase in the concentration of suspended particulates from urban activities that helps the formation and development of rain-bearing clouds.

Locally in Hong Kong, a study on the past occurrences of extreme rainfall indicates that heavy rain events in Hong Kong have become more frequent in the last 120 years or so.


Weather extremes in a changing climate: Hindsight on Foresight, World Meteorological Organization, WMO-No. 1075, 2011

Min, S.K., X. Zhang, F.W. Zwiers and G.C. Hegerl, Human contribution to more-intense precipitation extremes, Nature 470, 378-381, 2011

Allan, R. P. and B. J. Soden, Atmospheric warming and the amplification of precipitation extremes, Science 321, 1481-1484, 2008

IPCC AR 4, WG1, Chapter 3, Section : Surface and Lower-Tropospheric Water Vapour, page 272-273, 2007

Shepherd, J. M., H. Pierce, A. J. Negri, Rainfall modification by major urban areas: observations from spaceborne rain radar on the TRMM satellite, J. Appl. Meteor. 41, 689-701, 2002

Cao, K., Z. Ge, M. Xue and Y. Song, Analysis of Urban Rain Island Effect in Shanghai and Its Changing Trend, Water Resources and Power 27 (5), page 31-33, 54, 2009

Wong, M.C., H.Y. Mok and T.C. Lee, Observed Changes in Extreme Weather Indices in Hong Kong, Int. J. Climatol., October 2010, DOI: 10.1002/joc.2238, HKO Reprint No. 941

Note : Precipitation is the general term for rainfall, snowfall and other forms of frozen or liquid water falling from clouds.

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  1. Do volcanoes emit more carbon dioxide than human activities?

Carbon dioxide emitted by volcanoes to the atmosphere is one of the natural factors contributing to variations in the ancient climate. However, various studies have shown that, in the last century, the annual amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities far exceeded that released by terrestrial and submarine volcanoes. The estimated amount of anthropogenic (i.e. human-induced) carbon dioxide emission in 2010 is about 35 gigatons, which is more than 100 times the estimated global volcanic carbon dioxide emission (about 0.26 gigaton per year).


U.S. Geological Survey, Volcanic Gases and Climate Change Overview.

Gerlach, T., 2011 : Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 92(24), 201-208.

Fredlingstein, P., R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, T. Hackler, T.A. Boden, T.J. Conway, J.G. Canadell, M.R. Raupach, P. Ciais, and C. Le Quere, 2010 : Update on CO2 emissions, Nat. Geosci., 3(12), 811-812.

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  1. What is medieval warm period?

Medieval warm period (MWP) generally refers to the warm period roughly around 900-1300 AD in some regions of the Northern Hemisphere (e.g. North Atlantic, Southern Greenland, the Eurasian Arctic, and parts of North America). Due to the scarcity of data prior to 1600, the precise duration and areal extent of the medieval warmth and whether it was a global phenomenon are still areas of active research. As pointed out by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) and some recent studies, there is no sufficient evidence to support that MWP was as warm as the 20th century as a whole. According to IPCC AR4, the warming in the late 20th century is widespread over the globe and the average Northern Hemisphere temperature in the late 20th century is likely the highest in the past 1300 years.

The causes of warming during MWP and the late 20th century are also different. The MWP was mainly due to natural factors, such as solar and volcanic activity. However, as indicated in IPCC AR4, most of the warming since the middle of the 20th century very likely results from the human-induced increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration.

Records of Northern Hemisphere temperature variation during the last 1300 years with 12 reconstructions using multiple climate proxy records (tree rings, boreholes, ice core/ice boreholes, etc.) shown in colour and instrumental records shown in black. (Source IPCC AR4 WG1 Fig. 6.10)


IPCC AR 4, Working Group I, 2007: Chapter 6: Palaeoclimate.

Mann, M. E., Z. Zhang, S. Rutherford, R.S. Bradley, M.K. Hughes, D. Shindell, C. Ammann, G. Faluvegi and F. Ni, 2009 : Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly. Science, 326, 1256-1260.

P. A. Stott, S. F. B. Tett, G. S. Jones, M. R. Allen, J. F. B. Mitchell, and G. J. Jenkins, 2000 : External Control of 20th century temperature by natural and anthropogenic forcings. Science, 290, 2133-2137.

National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years, 2006 : Surface temperature reconstructions for the last 2,000 years, National Academies Press, ISBN 9780309102254.

Koch J. and J. J. Clague, 2011: Extensive glaciers in northwest North America during Medieval time. Climatic Change, 107, 593-613.

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    1. 「天氣」與「氣候」有什麼不同?
    2. 什麼是氣候變化?
    3. IPCC是一個什麼的組織?
    4. 什麼是溫室效應?
    5. 人類活動如何引起氣候變化?
    6. 地球的溫度正在發生怎樣的變化?
    7. 降水會有什麼變化?
    8. 地球上的冰雪是否正在減少?
    9. 海平面是否正在上升?
    10. 極端天氣事件是否越來越多?
    11. 個別極端天氣事件是否能用氣候變化解釋?
    12. 在全球氣候變暖的背景下,為什麼在某些地區間中仍出現雪災和嚴寒天氣?
    13. 能用自然因素解釋20世紀的變暖嗎?
    14. 海洋也在變暖嗎?
    15. 什麼是「兩度目標」?
    16. 熱帶氣旋活動有什麼變化?
    17. 什麼是溫鹽環流?
    18. 什麼是全球增溫潛勢和二氧化碳當量?
    19. 氣候變化與極端降雨事件:兩者是否有關連?
    20. 火山比人類活動釋放更多二氧化碳嗎? 新增
    21. 什麼是中世紀暖期? 新增


  1. 「天氣」與「氣候」有什麼不同?

雖然「天氣」與「氣候」同樣是形容大氣狀態的名詞,但它們所描述的時間尺度有很大分別。 「天氣」是指一個地區瞬時或較短時間內(幾小時到幾天)的大氣綜合狀態(包括風速、雲量、溫度、降雨、氣壓等氣象要素)。 「氣候」是指一個地區在一段較長時期裏的平均氣象狀況及變化特徵。簡單來說,「氣候」可以解作“平均的天氣”。根據世界氣象組織(WMO)的定義,用作氣候統計的參考年期為不少於30年。




  1. 什麼是氣候變化?



  1. IPCC是一個什麼的組織?

IPCC是政府間氣候變化專門委員會(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)的英文簡稱。它是一個政府間的組織。認識到氣候變化是一個非常複雜的問題,政策決策者需要一個客觀的資訊來源來評估與理解人為引起的氣候變化,它的潛在影響,以及適應和減緩方案的科學基礎。於是世界氣象組織(WMO)和聯合國環境規劃署(UNEP)于1988年建立了IPCC,專責研究由人類活動所造成的氣候變化








  1. 什麼是溫室效應?





  1. 人類活動如何引起氣候變化?








二氧化碳 (CO2)



甲烷 (CH4)



氧化亞氮 (N2O)


0-2005年主要人為溫室氣體(包括二氧化碳、甲烷和一氧化二氮) 在大氣中的濃度  (來源:IPCC, 2007)



  1. 地球的溫度正在發生怎樣的變化?

根據政府間氣候變化專門委員會的第四份評估報告,全球平均氣溫在1906到2005年的一百年間升了0.74度。而在1956到2005年的50年,每10年上升0.13 度,升幅是過去100年的兩倍。過去12年中(1997-2008),有11年(1998, 2005, 2003, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2001, 1997, 2008, 1999)名列最暖的12年內。

全球平均表面氣溫的變化。變化是相對於1961-1990年的平均值。平滑曲線代表十年際平均數值,圓點代表每年數值。陰影部份為不確定間距。(來源:IPCC, 2007)



  1. 降水會有什麼變化?







圖中顯示各地區1900 至 2005年的降水趨勢 。白色背景降水曲線圖表示降水增加,色背景圖表示降水減少。(來源 : IPCC, 2007)



  1. 地球上的冰雪是否正在減少?



北半球三月至四月平均積雪面積 (來源:IPCC, 2007)





 (來源:Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendalz ( and National Snow and Ice Data Center)


  1. 海平面是否正在上升?



由測潮器(藍色)及衛星(紅色)數據顯示的全球平均海平面上升變化。變化是相對於1961-1990年的平均值。平滑曲線代表十年際平均數值,圓點代表每年數值。陰影部份為不確定間距。(來源:IPCC, 2007)


  1. 極端天氣事件是否越來越多?







  1. 個別極端天氣事件是否能用氣候變化解釋?



  1. 在全球氣候變暖的背景下,為什麼在某些地區間中仍出現雪災和嚴寒天氣?



  1. 能用自然因素解釋20世紀的變暖嗎?





氣候模式在僅僅考慮自然因素時,無法模擬出最近數十年間觀測到的升溫現象。從這些氣候模式結果顯示,在自然因素的影響下,近數十年的全球平均溫度應該呈下降趨勢,但我們觀察到的卻是全球氣溫顯著上升。但當模式加入溫室氣體排放等人為因素時,就能模擬出在20世紀觀測到的氣溫上升趨勢。所以20世紀的變暖不太可能只用自然因素來解釋。氣候模式模擬結果表明,在過去 50年大部分觀測到的全球氣溫上升很有可能是由人類活動所致。



考慮自然及人為因素的全球氣溫模擬結果 (與1901-1950年的平均值相比) (來源:IPCC, 2007)


  1. 海洋也在變暖嗎?




自1850年至2005年全球海面温度的年距平(相對1961至1990年平均) (來源:政府間氣候變化專門委員會第四次評估報告書)


  1. 什麼是「兩度目標」?

歐盟(European Union)於1996年根據政府間氣候變化專門委員會第二次評估報告書(1995)中的影響評估報告,首次提出「兩度目標」這個概念。歐盟在1996年於盧森堡舉行的第1939次會議中指出,假如能將全球表面平均氣溫維持在不超過工業革命前2℃或以下的水平,便能避免人類及自然生態系統因氣候變化而遭到嚴重衝擊。在1990-2000年時,全球平均氣溫已較工業革命前(1750年代或1850年代)高約0.6℃,亦即是說離開「兩度目標」只剩下1.4℃的空間。


關於歐盟「兩度目標」更多的資料可到以下網站瀏覽: (只有英文版本)


  1. 熱帶氣旋活動有什麼變化?


根據世界氣象組織的專家小組所發表的研究報告(Knuston et al., 2010),基於不同區域過去一世紀左右的熱帶氣旋記錄,現時仍不能確定熱帶氣旋活動的變化趨勢幅度,是否已超過了自然變化的波幅。這是由於熱帶氣旋的出現頻率和強度有很大的差異,而且過去全球熱帶氣旋記錄的完整度及質素有限,令熱帶氣旋活動趨勢變化的分析非常困難。至於未來的情況,理論與氣候模式結果都顯示,假如全球在21世紀如推算般繼續變暖,全球熱帶氣旋的出現頻率將會下降或維持不變。在部分地區熱帶氣旋的平均最高風速會上升,同時與熱帶氣旋相關的降雨也可能會增加。

在西北太平洋及南海 (赤道至北緯45度,東經100至180度),從過去觀察資料顯示平均每年的熱帶氣旋數目由1960年代的35個,減少至2000年後的27個。而在本地方面,在香港300公里內登陸的熱帶氣旋數目,由1960年代的每年平均3個下降至2000年代的約2.5個,但從統計學來說,這變化趨勢並不顯著(Ginn et al., 2010)。




Knutson, T.R., J.L. McBride, J. Chan, K. Emanuel, G. Holland, C. Landsea, I. Held, J.P. Kossin, A.K. Srivastava and M. Sugi, 2010: Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change. Nature Geoscience 3, 157 - 163.

Ginn, W.L., T.C. Lee & K.Y. Chan, 2010: Past and Future Changes in the Climate of Hong Kong. ACTA Meteorologica Sinica, 24(2), 163-175, HKO Reprint No. 902.


  1. 什麼是溫鹽環流?

溫鹽環流是大尺度的海洋環流,由溫度和含鹽度的差異所致,也受風力和潮水所推動。在北大西洋,溫鹽環流的表面暖水向北流動,而深海冷水向南流動 (見附圖),造成淨熱量從熱帶向北輸送,為歐洲高緯地區送暖。




輸送洋流的簡化示意圖(源自:氣候變化2001-綜合報告, IPCC)


  1. 什麼是全球增溫潛勢和二氧化碳當量?

各種溫室氣體由於其物理特性不同,而且在大氣中的壽命和濃度各異,所以不同溫室氣體吸收熱量的能力會各有差異。某一溫室氣體在一段時間內(例如100年)的暖化效應(溫室效應) ,相對於二氧化碳(CO2)的暖化效應便是全球增溫潛勢(GWP)。例如:甲烷的全球增溫潛勢(在100年的時段)約為 25(二氧化碳的25倍),這意味著,排放1噸甲烷與排放25噸的二氧化碳所造成的暖化效應是相同的。

基於上述概念,二氧化碳當量(CO2-eq)通常用於碳排放審計,以評估各種溫室氣體的混合排放所造成溫室效應的總效果。對於某一重量的其他溫室氣體排放, 二氧化碳當量是指產生與它相同變暖潛力所需的二氧化碳重量。二氧化碳當量可從溫室氣體的排放重量乘以該溫室氣體在特定時段內的全球增溫潛勢(GWP)而得出。因此,排放1噸甲烷(GWP = 25)相等於25噸二氧化碳當量。


溫室氣體  全球增溫潛勢* 
 二氧化碳 (CO2)
 甲烷 (CH4) 25 
 一氧化二氮 (N2O) 298 

*主要人為溫室氣體在100年時段內的全球增溫潛勢。 (IPCC AR4, WG1, Chapter 2, page 212-213, 2007)


  1. 氣候變化與極端降雨事件:兩者是否有關連?





Weather extremes in a changing climate: Hindsight on Foresight, World Meteorological Organization, WMO-No. 1075, 2011

Min, S.K., X. Zhang, F.W. Zwiers and G.C. Hegerl, Human contribution to more-intense precipitation extremes, Nature 470, 378–381, 2011

Allan, R. P. and B. J. Soden, Atmospheric warming and the amplification of precipitation extremes, Science 321, 1481–1484, 2008

IPCC AR 4, WG1, Chapter 3, Section : Surface and Lower-Tropospheric Water Vapour, page 272-273, 2007

Shepherd, J. M., H. Pierce, A. J. Negri, Rainfall modification by major urban areas: observations from spaceborne rain radar on the TRMM satellite, J. Appl. Meteor. 41, 689-701, 2002

Cao, K., Z. Ge, M. Xue and Y. Song, Analysis of Urban Rain Island Effect in Shanghai and Its Changing Trend, Water Resources and Power 27 (5), page 31-33, 54, 2009

Wong, M.C., H.Y. Mok and T.C. Lee, Observed Changes in Extreme Weather Indices in Hong Kong, Int. J. Climatol., October 2010, DOI: 10.1002/joc.2238, HKO Reprint No. 941

附註 : 降水泛指降雨、降雪及其它由雲降下的固態或液態水。


  1. 火山比人類活動釋放更多二氧化碳嗎?

由火山釋放到大氣的二氧化碳,是造成古氣候變化的自然因素之一。然而,各項研究顯示在過去一個世紀每年由人類活動排放的二氧化碳重量,遠遠超過由陸地和海底火山所釋放的總和。在2010年由人類活動引起的二氧化碳排放量估計約為 350億噸,是全球火山二氧化碳估計排放量(約每年2.6億噸)的100倍以上。


U.S. Geological Survey, Volcanic Gases and Climate Change Overview.

Gerlach, T., 2011 : Volcanic versus anthropogenic carbon dioxide. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 92(24), 201-208.

Fredlingstein, P., R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, T. Hackler, T.A. Boden, T.J. Conway, J.G. Canadell, M.R. Raupach, P. Ciais, and C. Le Quere, 2010 : Update on CO2 emissions, Nat. Geosci., 3(12), 811-812.


  1. 什麼是中世紀暖期?

中世紀暖期(Medieval Warm Period)一般是指大約在公元900至1300年在北半球一些地區(例如北大西洋、格陵蘭南部、歐亞大陸的北極地區和北美部分地區)的溫暖時期。由於缺乏公元1600年以前的數據,中世紀暖期的確實持續時間、溫暖地區的分佈範圍,以及它是否一個全球現象仍在研究當中。聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會(IPCC)的第四份評估報告和最近一些研究指出,現時仍沒有充分的證據支持中世紀暖期的整體溫度能與20世紀相比。根據 IPCC第四份評估報告,在20世紀後期的變暖遍及全球,而20世紀後期的北半球平均溫度很可能是在過去1300年中最高的。



各顏色線分別代表12種氣候代用記錄(樹木年輪、鑽孔、冰芯/冰鑽孔等)所重建過去1300年的北半球溫度變化記錄,而黑色線則是利用儀器記錄的溫度變化資料。 (來源: IPCC第四份評估報告,第一工作組,圖6.10)



IPCC AR 4, Working Group I, 2007: Chapter 6: Palaeoclimate.

Mann, M. E., Z. Zhang, S. Rutherford, R.S. Bradley, M.K. Hughes, D. Shindell, C. Ammann, G. Faluvegi and F. Ni, 2009 : Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly. Science, 326, 1256-1260.

P. A. Stott, S. F. B. Tett, G. S. Jones, M. R. Allen, J. F. B. Mitchell, and G. J. Jenkins, 2000 : External Control of 20th century temperature by natural and anthropogenic forcings. Science, 290, 2133-2137.

National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2,000 Years, 2006 : Surface temperature reconstructions for the last 2,000 years, National Academies Press, ISBN 9780309102254.

Koch J. and J. J. Clague, 2011: Extensive glaciers in northwest North America during Medieval time. Climatic Change, 107, 593-613.


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