

二零一二年六月本港較正常少雨,尤以上半月為甚,主要為月初華南沿岸地區受高壓脊支配及較少受活躍低壓槽影響所致。本月錄得的總雨量為261.5毫米,較 正常數值456.1毫米少約百分之43。而本年至今累積雨量為927.8毫米,較同期正常值1096.8毫米少約百分之15。本月亦稍暖於正常,平均氣溫 為28.1度,較正常數值27.9度高0.2度。



  受南海北部的一道低壓槽加深影響,六月十六日本港大部分地區錄得超過50毫米雨量。六月十七日,位於海南島以東海域的低壓區發展為一個熱帶低氣壓,該熱帶 低氣壓於翌日早上向東移動及橫過南海北部並進一步增強為一個熱帶風暴,名為泰利。泰利於六月十八日傍晚進一步增強為一個強烈熱帶風暴。泰利於本港南面掠 過,六月十七日及十八日本港有狂風驟雨,離岸及高地間中吹強風。

  隨著泰利逐漸遠離香港,六月十九日天氣轉好,部分時間有陽光。雨過天晴的同時,一道雙彩虹於當日下午較後時分顯現在香港上空。當泰利繼續以東北方向移向台 灣海峽,本港於六月二十日轉吹北風。該偏北大陸氣流於當日為本港帶來酷熱的天氣。受活躍的西南季候風影響,隨後兩天本港轉為多雲及有驟雨和幾陣狂風雷暴。 隨著與活躍西南季候風相關的水氣移入內陸,六月二十三日至二十六日短暫時間有陽光及有幾陣驟雨。在一道由太平洋向西伸展的高壓脊影響下,本港於六月二十七 日及二十八日普遍天晴及炎熱。

  同時,位於菲律賓以東海域的熱帶風暴杜蘇芮於六月二十八日橫過呂宋海峽並於翌日靠近廣東沿岸。在杜蘇芮前沿的下沉氣流影響下,本港六月二十九日天氣酷熱。 天文台當日的最高氣溫上升至33.3度,是本月錄得的最高氣溫。隨著杜蘇芮移近珠江口,本地風力於六月二十九日傍晚增強,並有狂風驟雨,當晚及六月三十日 早上本港部分地區吹烈風。







  表 1.1 至 1.6 載列本月發出及取消各種警告∕信號的詳情。表 2 則載列六月份天氣數字與平均數字的比較。


表 1.1   熱帶氣旋警告信號
日 / 月日 / 月
泰利 1 17 / 6 1620 18 / 6 2240
3 18 / 6 2240 19 / 6 1020
1 19 / 6 1020 19 / 6 2040
杜蘇芮 1 28 / 6 2140 29 / 6 1620
3 29 / 6 1620 29 / 6 2305
8 東北 29 / 6 2305 30 / 6 0040
8 東南 30 / 6 0040 30 / 6 0325
3 30 / 6 0325 30 / 6 0640
1 30 / 6 0640 30 / 6 0815

表 1.2   強烈季候風信號
日 / 月日 / 月
31 / 5 2120 1 / 6 0940
11 / 6 1245 11 / 6 1720
22 / 6 1240 22 / 6 2115
25 / 6 1120 25 / 6 1615

表 1.3   暴雨警告信號
日 / 月日 / 月
黃色 13 / 6 1515 13 / 6 1640

表 1.4   雷暴警告
日 / 月日 / 月
2 / 6 1915 2 / 6 2030
9 / 6 0345 9 / 6 0515
9 / 6 1000 9 / 6 1130
10 / 6 0540 10 / 6 1215
11 / 6 1430 11 / 6 1630
11 / 6 1745 11 / 6 1845
12 / 6 0330 12 / 6 0530
12 / 6 1745 13 / 6 0020
13 / 6 0345 13 / 6 0545
13 / 6 1430 13 / 6 1730
16 / 6 0915 16 / 6 1015
16 / 6 1145 16 / 6 1445
21 / 6 0040 21 / 6 0545
21 / 6 0750 21 / 6 1000
21 / 6 1040 21 / 6 2100
21 / 6 2330 22 / 6 0930
22 / 6 1305 22 / 6 1430
22 / 6 2210 22 / 6 2330
23 / 6 2115 23 / 6 2315
29 / 6 1535 29 / 6 1745
30 / 6 0350 30 / 6 0845

表 1.5   酷熱天氣警告
日 / 月日 / 月
8 / 6 1235 9 / 6 1620
20 / 6 0845 20 / 6 2300
28 / 6 1000 29 / 6 1745

表 1.6   新界北部水浸特別報告
日 / 月日 / 月
12 / 6 2030 12 / 6 2245

表 2   二零一二年六月的氣象數據與距平
  平均日最高氣溫 30.5 攝氏度 比正常高 0.3 度
  平均氣溫 28.1 攝氏度 比正常高 0.2 度
  平均日最低氣溫 26.4 攝氏度 比正常高 0.2 度
  平均露點溫度 25.0 攝氏度 比正常高 0.4 度
  平均相對濕度 83 % 比正常高 1 %
  平均雲量 78 % 比正常高 1 %
  總雨量 261.5 毫米 比正常低 194.6 毫米
  出現低能見度的時數Δ 27 小時 比正常高 6.7 小時§
  總日照時間 126.0 小時 比正常低 20.1 小時
  平均每日太陽總輻射 14.10 兆焦耳/平方米 比正常低 0.09 兆焦耳
  總蒸發量 113.5 毫米 比正常低 3.6 毫米

   附註 : 除日照、太陽輻射及蒸發量在京士柏氣象站記錄和能見度在香港國際機場觀測外,其他數據均在天文台錄得。
  Δ 在2004年及以前,香港國際機場的能見度讀數是基於專業氣象觀測員每小時的觀測數據。在2005年及以後,讀數是採用位於機場南跑道中間的能見度儀表在每小時前10分鐘的平均數據。這與使用儀器觀測來改進能見度評估的國際趨勢是一致的。
在2007年10月10日前曾出現於此網頁內香港國際機場2005年及以後的低能見度時數資料乃基於專業氣象觀測員每小時的觀測數據。有關資料已於 2007年10月10日起改為以機場南跑道中間之能見度儀表在每小時前10分鐘的平均數據計算。

   *   1981 - 2010 氣候平均值的距平, 低能見度時數除外

   §   1997-2011 平均值的距平


二零一二年六月雨量圖 (等雨量線單位為毫米)

二零一二年六月雨量圖 (等雨量線單位為毫米)

The Weather of June 2012

     June 2012 was drier than usual, especially in the first half of the month.  This was mainly attributed to the predominance of the ridge of high pressure and the lack of active trough of low pressure over the south China coastal areas during the early part of the month.  The total rainfall of the month was 261.5 millimetres, about 43 percent below the normal figure of 456.1 millimetres.  The accumulated rainfall since 1 January was 927.8 millimetres, a deficit of 15 percent comparing to the normal figure of 1096.8 millimetres for the same period.  The month was also slightly warmer than usual with the mean temperature of 28.1 degrees, 0.2 degrees above the normal figure of 27.9 degrees.

     Under the influence of a ridge of high pressure, the weather in Hong Kong was generally fine apart from a few showers for the first four days in the month.  It remained fine and hot with moderate easterly winds from 5 to 7 June.  As winds turned southerly, it became very hot apart from a few showers on 8 June.  

     With the establishment of the fresh to strong southwest monsoon, the weather gradually became cloudy with showers and a few squally thunderstorms for the next three days.  Meanwhile, a trough of low pressure over inland Guangdong moved southwards and lingered over the coast on 12 and 13 June, bringing a few thundery showers to the territory on these two days.  With the trough of low pressure moving into the northern part of the South China Sea, local weather improved and there were sunny periods on 14 and 15 June.  

     The trough of low pressure deepened over the northern part of the South China Sea and brought more than 50 millimetres of rainfall over most parts of the territory on 16 June.  An area of low pressure developed over the sea to the east of Hainan Island and intensified into a tropical depression on 17 June.  While moving eastwards across the northern part of the South China Sea, it further intensified into a tropical storm, named Talim, in the next morning and finally became a severe tropical storm that night.  Affected by the passage of Talim to the south, there were some squally showers and occasional strong winds offshore and on high ground in Hong Kong on 17 and 18 June. 
     With Talim gradually moving away, local weather improved with sunny periods on 19 June.  The sun rays in concert with the departing rain clouds also gave rise to a prominent double rainbow over Hong Kong later in that afternoon.  While Talim continued to track northeast towards the Taiwan Strait, local winds turned northerly on 20 June.  The northerly continental airstream brought very hot weather to Hong Kong on that day.  Affected by the active southwest monsoon, local weather turned cloudy with showers and a few squally thunderstorms on the next two days.  As the moisture associated the active southwest monsoon moved inland, there were sunny intervals and a few showers from 23 to 26 June.  Affected by a ridge of high pressure extending westwards from the Pacific, the weather became generally fine and hot on 27 and 28 June.  

     Meanwhile, Tropical Storm Doksuri over the seas east of the Philippines moved across the Luzon Strait on 28 June and edged towards the coast of Guangdong the next day.  Under the influence of the subsidence air ahead of Doksuri, it was very hot on 29 June.  The temperature recorded at the Observatory soared to a maximum of 33.3 degrees in that afternoon, the highest of the month.  As Doksuri came close to the Pearl River Estuary, local winds strengthened with squally showers that evening.   Gale force winds were recorded in some parts of Hong Kong at night on 29 June and on the early morning of 30 June.  

     Doksuri made landfall to the west of the Pearl River Estuary and weakened over the inland area of western Guangdong on the morning of 30 June.  Locally, winds subsided gradually but, due to the remnant rainbands of Doksuri on that day, there were still scattered showers and a few squally thunderstorms in Hong Kong.

A double rainbow appeared over Hong Kong in the afternoon on 19 June 2012

A double rainbow appeared over Hong Kong in the afternoon on 19 June 2012

    Four tropical cyclones occurred over the western North Pacific and the South China Sea in the month.

    Details of issuance and cancellation of various warnings/signals in the month are summarized in Tables 1.1 to 1.6.  Monthly meteorological figures and departures from normal for June are tabulated in Table 2.

Warnings and Signals issued in June 2012

Table 1.1   Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals
Name of
Tropical Cyclone
Beginning TimeEnding Time
TALIM 1 17 / 6 1620 18 / 6 2240
3 18 / 6 2240 19 / 6 1020
1 19 / 6 1020 19 / 6 2040
DOKSURI 1 28 / 6 2140 29 / 6 1620
3 29 / 6 1620 29 / 6 2305
8 NE 29 / 6 2305 30 / 6 0040
8 SE 30 / 6 0040 30 / 6 0325
3 30 / 6 0325 30 / 6 0640
1 30 / 6 0640 30 / 6 0815

Table 1.2   Strong Monsoon Signal
Beginning TimeEnding Time
31 / 5 2120 1 / 6 0940
11 / 6 1245 11 / 6 1720
22 / 6 1240 22 / 6 2115
25 / 6 1120 25 / 6 1615

Table 1.3   Rainstorm Warning Signals
ColourBeginning TimeEnding Time
Amber 13 / 6 1515 13 / 6 1640

Table 1.4   Thunderstorm Warning
Beginning TimeEnding Time
2 / 6 1915 2 / 6 2030
9 / 6 0345 9 / 6 0515
9 / 6 1000 9 / 6 1130
10 / 6 0540 10 / 6 1215
11 / 6 1430 11 / 6 1630
11 / 6 1745 11 / 6 1845
12 / 6 0330 12 / 6 0530
12 / 6 1745 13 / 6 0020
13 / 6 0345 13 / 6 0545
13 / 6 1430 13 / 6 1730
16 / 6 0915 16 / 6 1015
16 / 6 1145 16 / 6 1445
21 / 6 0040 21 / 6 0545
21 / 6 0750 21 / 6 1000
21 / 6 1040 21 / 6 2100
21 / 6 2330 22 / 6 0930
22 / 6 1305 22 / 6 1430
22 / 6 2210 22 / 6 2330
23 / 6 2115 23 / 6 2315
29 / 6 1535 29 / 6 1745
30 / 6 0350 30 / 6 0845

Table 1.5   Very Hot Weather Warning
Beginning TimeEnding Time
8 / 6 1235 9 / 6 1620
20 / 6 0845 20 / 6 2300
28 / 6 1000 29 / 6 1745

Table 1.6   Special Announcement on Flooding
in the Northern New Territories
Beginning TimeEnding Time
12 / 6 2030 12 / 6 2245

Table 2   Figures and Departures from Normal - June 2012
Meteorological ElementFigure of the MonthDeparture from Normal*
Mean Daily Maximum Air Temperature 30.5 degrees C 0.3 degree above normal
Mean Air Temperature 28.1 degrees C 0.2 degree above normal
Mean Daily Minimum Air Temperature 26.4 degrees C 0.2 degree above normal
Mean Dew Point Temperature 25.0 degrees C 0.4 degree above normal
Mean Relative Humidity 83 % 1 % above normal
Mean Cloud Amount 78 % 1 % above normal
Total Rainfall 261.5 mm 194.6 mm below normal
Number of hours of Reduced VisibilityΔ 27 hours 6.7 hours above normal§
Total Bright Sunshine Duration 126.0 hours 20.1 hours below normal
Mean Daily Global Solar Radiation 14.10 Megajoule / square metre 0.09 Megajoule below normal
Total Evaporation 113.5 mm 3.6 mm below normal

  Remarks : All measurements were made at the Hong Kong Observatory except sunshine, solar radiation and evaporation which were recorded at King's Park Meteorological Station and visibility which was observed at the Hong Kong International Airport.

The visibility readings at the Hong Kong International Airport are based on hourly observations by professional meteorological observers in 2004 and before, and average readings over the 10-minute period before the clock hour of the visibility meter near the middle of the south runway from 2005 onwards. The change of the data source in 2005 is an improvement of the visibility assessment using instrumented observations following the international trend.
Before 10 October 2007, the number of hours of reduced visibility at the Hong Kong International Airport in 2005 and thereafter displayed in this web page was based on hourly visibility observations by professional meteorological observers. Since 10 October 2007, the data have been revised using the average visibility readings over the 10-minute period before the clock hour, as recorded by the visibility meter near the middle of the south runway.

  *   Departure from 1981 - 2010 climatological normal, except for number of hours of reduced visibility

  §   Departure from mean value between 1997 and 2011

daily values of selected meteorological elements for HK for June 2012

Rainfall Map For June 2012 (isohyets are in millimetres)




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