[09:09, 8/12/2018] 大家好😍😘🤩😎🤠🤡: 糖尿病常見問題
問 : 什為是糖尿病?
答 : 胰島素是由胰臟分泌出來的荷爾蒙,作用是控制身體的血糖水平,當胰臟的胰島素分泌不足或胰島素不能發揮功能時,血液內的葡萄糖分便不能轉化為人體所需的能量,導致血糖增加,過多的糖份便會經由尿液排出體外,出現糖尿。
問 : 糖尿病有什麼病徵?
答 : 病徵包括容易口渴、多尿、食量增加、體重下降、容易疲倦,以及視覺模糊等。但很多人都沒有明顯病徵,要透過驗血才知道患上糖尿病。
問 : 哪些人容易有糖尿病?
答 : 家族病史中有糖尿病患者、肥胖、缺乏運動、中年過後、曾有妊娠性糖尿病人士,均較易患上糖尿病。
問 : 糖尿病對身體有什麼影響?
答 : 長時間血糖過高會損壞血管和神經,增加出現併發症的風險,如心臟病及中風、腎衰竭、失明、足部潰爛和傷口難以癒合(嚴重者可能要截肢)等。
問 : 糖尿病可以完全根治嗎?
答 : 糖尿病是一種慢性疾病,雖不能根治,但可以透過藥物及培養良好生活習慣去控制體內血糖值,維持正常水平,減少併發症發生。👩⚕👨⚕👩🏻⚕👨🏻⚕👩🏽⚕👨🏽⚕
[09:11, 8/12/2018] 大家好😍😘🤩😎🤠🤡: FAQs on Diabetes Mellitus
Q : What is diabetes mellitus?
A : Insulin is a hormone that is released from the pancreas to facilitate the storage of glucose as glycogen and triglyceride in the body. When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot use insulin effectively, sugar would accumulate in the blood and the excess sugar would be excreted in the urine.
Q : What are the symptoms of diabetes mellitus?
A : Many patients have no obvious symptoms and it is only found through blood test during health checks. Common symptoms include excessive thirst and hunger, increased urination, weight loss, fatigue and blurred vision, etc.
Q : What kinds of people are prone to Diabetes?
A : Diabetes Mellitus affects the middle-aged or elderly, especially those with family history, obesity, lack of exercise and women who had suffered gestational diabetes.
Q : What are the complications of diabetes mellitus?
A : In uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, prolonged high blood sugar can seriously damage the blood vessels and the nervous system, causing dysfunctioning of internal organs, and leads to complications such as heart diseases and stoke, renal failure, blindness, nerve damage and peripheral neuropathy, infection, ulceration and gangrene and amputation in the worst case.
Q : Can diabetes mellitus be cured?
A : Diabetes is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with medicine and the adoption of a healthy life style, so as to keep the blood glucose within normal limit, reducing the risk of having hyperglycemic complications.👩⚕👨⚕👩🏻⚕👨🏻⚕👩⚕👨⚕👨⚕