我們今天要講由neck這個片語成的習慣用語。大家也許已經知道neck是脖子。我們要學的第一個習慣用語是: pain in the neck。 Pain是疼痛的意思。Pain in the neck,一聽就知道是“脖子疼”,但是它的比喻意義是什麼呢? 脖子也許是身體上活動最多的部位。我們時常必須轉動脖子,所以要是脖子疼而不能動,可想而知會給人帶來多大的不便和麻煩,令人不勝其煩。好,我們從一個例子來琢磨pain in the neck究竟含義是什麼。這個人在說他的近鄰:
例句-1:Listening to that guy in the apartment next door play his stereo as loud as he can every night until two am is getting to be a pain in the neck for my wife and me.
所以pain in the neck用來指令人討厭的人或事。
Pain in the neck一般是說較為瑣碎的煩擾。我們再來聽個通常發生在電影院裏的例子:
例句-2:Different things annoy different people. To me, for example, the worst pain in the neck is somebody who sits behind me in a movie theater and talks to his friends all the time the picture is on.
這兒the worst pain in the neck是最令人生厭的事。
我們再學個習慣用語: break one's neck。 Break在這兒意思是“折斷”。Break one's neck是誇張的說法,出處可能是成年累月地埋頭苦幹,幾乎累斷了脖子。這句話相當於中文說的: 累斷了腰幹。總之都是指竭盡全力地苦幹。我們來聽聽一個父親怎麼責罵他那些不爭氣的孩子:
例句-3:I broke my neck trying to raise you kids and look at the way you pay me back! One son in jail, the other too lazy to work and my daughter ran away with her hairdresser.
他說:為了把你們撫養成人我累斷了腰幹,看看你們是怎麼報答我的? 一個兒子坐牢,另一個偷懶不做工,女兒竟然跟理髮師私奔。
這裡broke my neck意思是我拼命苦幹。
我們再學一個和break one's neck似乎相象的習慣用語: wring one's neck。 Wring意思是“使勁擰”。Wring one's neck可能來自殺雞的一種辦法: 把雞脖子擰斷,雞就喪命了。Wring one's neck直譯是擰斷某人的脖子,就是殺了某人。當然這只是一句威脅。我們來聽個例子。這是父親在嚴厲警告兒子:
例句-4:If I catch you one more time sneaking in and drinking my whiskey, I promise you I'll wring your neck. I don't want to see you even looking at a bottle till you reach 21.
這裡的I'll wring your neck意思是“看我不擰斷你的脖子”,其實是說要重重處罰你。
例句-5:I feel sorry for Miss Jones who teaches that second grade class. She has such noisy, unruly kids that she must feel like wringing their necks every day.
當然這裡的wringing their necks也是誇張,絕不真會出手傷人。
- Jan 19 Tue 2010 07:30