交通: Firenze Santa Maria Novella Station (S.M.N Station) 搭12, 13路公車 (票價2歐) 是佛羅倫斯(翡冷翠)最經典的觀景處,是個可以從高地上俯瞰佛羅倫斯全景的最佳地點。
The Magical Florence Skyline Florence seen from above is a singular experience. Not just a perfect photo opportunity, but a moment of wonder. You are looking at the city that gave birth to incredible artists, amazing scientists and an enthralling history of discovery and power that has filled novels and movie theaters. No matter what time of day, you will find that Piazzale Michelangelo truly offers a stupendous lookout over Florence. Don't be surprised if you also see it written as Piazzale Michelangiolo, this is from the archaic Florentine pronunciation and most definitely the one you see on street signs or the brown and white signs that indicate historic landmarks. In any case, however you spell it, it is one site that should not be missed. It may be a classic tourist stop, but it never fails to capture the heart and imagination of those who follow the path to the very top.
領主廣場 Piazza della Signoria
義大利--佛羅倫斯—領主廣場(Piazza della Signoria) 領主廣場(Piazza della Signoria)是義大利佛羅倫斯舊宮前的「L」形廣場,得名於舊宮(領主宮)。 這裡是佛羅倫斯共和國起源與歷史的焦點,至今仍享有該市政治中心的名聲。這裡是佛羅倫斯人以及眾多遊客的聚會地點。
門口旁的噴水池作品為 Bartolomeo Ammannati 的 海神噴泉 Fountain of Neptune,海神雕像象徵統御上海權威的大謀,不過我更喜歡 羅馬特萊維噴泉 Fontana di Trevi 的海神雕像,更加氣勢磅礡。
The Piazza della Signoria is top among Florence's most important squares. In the heart of the city, dominated by city hall—the Palazzo Vecchio—and skimmed by one wing of the Uffizi Gallery, the Piazza della Signoria is Florence's primary meeting place for both locals and tourists. Several concerts, fairs, and rallies are held in the Piazza della Signoria throughout the year.
Florence's most famous square started to take shape in the mid- to late 13th century when the Guelphs defeated the Ghibellines for control of the city. The piazza's L shape and the lack of uniformity of its surrounding buildings are the results of the Guelphs leveling many of their rivals' palazzi. The piazza gets its name from the towering Palazzo Vecchio, whose original name is the Palazzo della Signoria.
Title: Fountain of Neptune Artist: Bartolomeo Ammannati Location: Piazza della Signoria Florence, Italy.
Medium: Apuan marble
Date: 1575
Design: The fountain was commissioned to built in honor of the marriage of the second Grand Duke of Tuscany Francesco I De’ Medici to the Grand Duchess Johanna of Austria.
The assignment of creating the fountain was given one of the most famous Renaissance sculptors at the time, Bartolommeo Bandinelli, but shortly after he had finished a model of the fountain died. The job of creating the fountain was quickly given to the sculptor Bartolomeo Ammannati, a student of Michelangelo, and his personal assistant Giambologna.The 4.2-meter fountain was carved from specially chosen Apuan marble.
In the main statue of the fountain Neptune is shown standing high on the octagonal base of the fountain fountain. The artists chose to represent the face of Neptune as a great figure from the history of Florence. Neptune’s face was carved to resemble Cosimo De’ Medici, one of the first dukes of Tuscany, who had always envisioned a monument to the roman god of the sea in the center of Florence. During his reign, Cosimo De’ Medici had great ambitions for turning Florence into a naval super power in the world
The pedestal (基座,底座) of the fountain is decorated with the mythical figures of Scylla and Charybdis, two Greek sea monsters. The bronze statues which decorate the fountain are the work of Flemish artist, Jean de Boulogne. The fountain features bronze figures of river gods, smiling satyrs, marble sea horses emerging from the water and a giant sea shell. Story the fountain represents:
The Fountain of Neptune in Florence represents several stories from both Greek and Roman mythology. The main figure in the fountain is Neptune the god of the sea in Roman mythology. Stories of Neptune closely resemble the stories of Poseidon (波賽頓(古希臘語:Ποσειδών),又譯波赛顿、尼普顿、波色伊东,是希腊神话中的海神,宙斯的哥哥。)in Greek mythology. Neptune is the brother of Pluto and Jupiter and together the three rule over the world divided into three major areas, Heaven, Earth and the Netherigions Neptune was associated with horses because they were thought to pull his chariot. Thus, Neptune was also the considered the god of horse racing.
Story of the fountain: Over its history the fountain has had a rather interesting life full of vandalism and abuse. Being that it is located in one of the busiest piazzas in Florence the fountain has received more than its fair share of damage from the people. The fountain was not appreciated by the people of Florence at first and so the basin of the fountain was used to wash clothes for many years. This mistreatment caused a lot of damage to the marble of the fountain.
On 25th January 1580 the first recorded vandalism ( 恣意毀壞他人財產罪, (對好事物的)糟蹋。) of the statue occurred. All the decorations, except the four bronze figures and their satyrs, were badly damaged or destroyed. Then In 1830 during a carnival a group of masked men stole a bronze satyr (薩特(古希臘文學作品中半人半山羊的神))which was later replaced by another which was sculpted by Giovanni Pazzi.
The fountain was damaged by Bourbon bombardments in 1848 and in 1981 the front hooves of one of Neptune’s chariot pulling horses were snapped off. Then 1986 and 1989 the hooves of the horses were once again broken off after being repaired. Several years later a young boy climbed the Fountain of Neptune one early morning and managed to break off Neptune’s right hand and his trident. All was caught on security cameras. This action resulted in 30 pieces Neptune and shell needing to be restored.
Finally, in 2005 vandals once again scaled the 4. 2 metre statue breaking off the hand and trident. After hearing all the damage the fountain has sustained over the years it may help to know that the statue of Neptune is a copy of the original and was made in the 19th century. The original is safe and sound inside the National Museum.
Florence, Italy Uffizi Museum烏菲茲美術館(Galleria degli Uffizi)
烏菲茲美術館(Uffizi)在義大利文裡是『辦公室』的意思,16世紀後半梅迪奇家族的科西摩一世找了御用建築師打造Uffizi宮,作為佛羅倫斯政府綜合辦公大樓,後來梅迪奇家族後代Francesso I 請建築師整修宮殿最上層作為藝術品收藏展覽室,加上後繼梅迪奇家族熱衷於藝術品,所以大公爵們不斷地收購,使得文藝復興時期最重要的作品均集中於此,所以烏菲茲美術館可以說是梅迪奇家族當時私家收藏的地方。
後來1737年梅迪奇家族最後一位後裔–Anna Maria Ludovica認為收藏品不能離開佛羅倫斯,於是將收藏品捐給佛羅倫斯政府,造福於民,於1765年正式對外開放,才有今日的烏菲茲美術館。
Uffizi Gallery, Italian Galleria degli Uffizi, art museum in Florence that has the world’s finest collection of Italian Renaissance painting, particularly of the Florentine school. It also has antiques, sculpture, and more than 100,000 drawings and prints.
In 1559 the grand duke of Tuscany, Cosimo I de’ Medici, engaged the painter-architect Giorgio Vasari to plan a building for the offices (uffizi) of the government judiciary. The Uffizi Palace (1560–80), one of the most important examples of Italian Mannerist architecture, has been subsequently enlarged and remodeled, but always in keeping with Vasari’s original design. After Cosimo I died in 1574, the new grand duke, Francis I, commissioned Bernardo Buontalenti to convert the top floor of the Uffizi into a repository for the art treasures amassed by the Medici family from the time of Cosimo the Elder (1389–1464) on. These galleries were expanded in the 17th century by the grand duke Ferdinand II and his brother, Cardinal Leopoldo, who collected the artist self-portraits later exhibited in the Vasari corridor connecting the Uffizi and the Pitti Palace. In the 18th century the Medici’s personal property was bequeathed to the Lorraine family with a pact providing that the works of art should always remain in Florence. It was the grand duke Leopold I who gave the Uffizi its status as a museum in the 18th century. He had its collections reorganized, appointed its first director (1769), and opened it to the public.